xxv. high school sucks!

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THE PARTY WAS NOW in high school. 1986 was their freshman year, and it already sucked. With Will and El gone, the party was still incomplete. Max had grown distant with the party after Billy's death. She had broken up with Lucas and barely talked to Daisy.

Daisy and Jude were still going strong, one of the only couples who had made it that long. Jude and Lucas had joined the basketball team, Jude being respected because of his brother. Jude had somehow convinced Daisy to join the cheer-leading team, which was a shock. 

Daisy had landed a spot, she had become a flyer. The person they throw in the air, and pray they catch them. 

Most of the girls on the team were nice enough, and Daisy had made friends with another cheerleader, Chrissy. Chrissy understood Daisy was new at cheer, and helped her. 

Now, Jude had a good high school career so far. Being the younger brother of 'King Steve', he gained respect. He was a starter in the games, the player everyone liked. 

He also lived up to Steve's reputation. Girls practically flocked over Jude, but seeing as he loved his girlfriend, shoved them all away. Daisy didn't really mind though, she knew the girls were jealous of her and didn't care. 

The year had flown by for the party. It was the week before spring break, which Daisy could hardly comprehend. 

It was the day of the pep rally, Daisy had worn her cheer outfit to school that day, and pulled her hair back into a low ponytail. She had on one of Jude's jackets he had given her. 

Daisy did her makeup, before leaving for the bathroom to brush her teeth. 

Daisy walked down the steps, greeting her mom and brother in the kitchen. "Good morning."

"Morning honey. You look great." Charlotte smiled at the girl, and sipped her coffee. 

"So, mom if the guys win tonight.. Some the of guys were talking about throwing a party at Benny's.. and if they do.. can I go?" Daisy packed her lunch.

"Ah. I remember my first high school party." Charlotte took another sip. "If they win, sure. But tell Jude you need to be home by 10, but if not just call me." 

"Thanks mommy." Daisy gave her mother a kiss on the cheek, before skipping to grab her bag. 

Daisy and Gabe walked to school that day, with the weather being nice, it wasn't too bad. 

Daisy said bye to her brother when she saw Jude and Robin get out of Steve's car. Jude walked to Daisy. 

"Hey, ready to be thrown in the air today?" Jude teased. Daisy rolled her eyes. 

"It's always interesting." Daisy laughed, as they began to walk to the gym. 

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