xv. new makeover?

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DAISY SAT ON THE CURB and watched Max do her cool tricks on her skateboard. She needed a break from hanging out with a bunch of guys, so she came to Max's house, luckily not running into Billy. Max understood, considering her only girl friend in the party was Daisy, Eleven never really paid much mind to the two girls. 

Now, it was a cooler summer day, so Daisy picked out a yellow and white spaghetti strap dress and styled it with an off-the-shoulder cropped yellow sweater. She perfected it with her white socks with ruffles at the top and her new white converse she got a few months prior for her birthday. 

Max tried to to an Ollie, a trick she was learning. "Watch, Dais'" Max attempted the trick once more with Daisy paying closer attention. But, when Max tried the trick, it didn't work and her skateboard was flying from under her feet. 

"Shit!" Max whispers-shouted and Daisy stood to help her, but before she could go after her board, someone already picked it up. Daisy and Max looked to see Eleven carrying her board back to her. 



"Can we talk?" Eleven asked, looking at both of them. 

"And then he said he... he missed me. And then he just hung up." Eleven confided as Max paced around her room, Daisy sat on Max's bed next to Eleven. 

Poor Eleven was having her first boy problems. She felt Mike was lying to her about not being able to see her. 

"He's a piece of shit." Max concluded. 


"Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn't sick." Max ranted, "I guarantee you, him, Jude and Lucas are playing Atari right now." 

Daisy tilted her head, admitting to herself that Max was probably right. 

"But friends don't lie." Eleven said. 

"Yeah, well, boyfriends lie. All the time." Max finished. 

"Yeah, one time Jude lied about being sick, and couldn't go to the mall with me, he was just sitting on his ass watching a new movie that came out." Daisy recalled, "And I only found out about when I went by his house to see if he was okay, he was shocked." 

"You're going to stop calling him. You're going to ignore his calls." Max explained to the brunette girl. "As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist."

"Doesn't exist?" 

Daisy nodded in agreement, "Doesn't exist." She confirmed.

"He treated you like garbage. You're gonna treat him like garbage. Give him a taste of his own medicine."

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