Surprise | ᴄнaρᴛer 4

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It has been two days since Jungkook is suffering from a huge disease named Taeleria

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It has been two days since Jungkook is suffering from a huge disease named Taeleria.

He is getting same wet dreams everyday. His brain has stopped Braining! Oops.....I mean functioning as it is full of His thoughts all the day.

He couldn't even focus on any meetings that he had with some clients related to business and with some other mafias (lower gang). Every hour, every minute, every second his obsession for that pretty boy is increasing.

He has made Tae's picture, his lock screen wallpaper. A moment even came when he was staring at Taehyung's picture in a meeting and got hard within few seconds and had to leave it all of a sudden. LOLLLL!

Can you believe? He is a Mafia! A Mafia whom A boy has wrapped around his fingers in just a single meeting and has no idea that what magic he has done on this man.

"I can't wait anymore...........I shall visit the company today and see him face to face." He whispered to himself.


"Boss is coming in our office Today." The workers started arranging the mess in the office.

Taehyung furrowed at it.

"Who is coming Hobi Hyung?" He asked to Hoseok who was working next to him.

"Our boss. The real boss. The CEO and Owner of this company."

"But it is Mr. Moon right?" Taehyung asked.

"He is just the manager of his company. The company belongs to someone else."

"Wow! I never knew it. And who is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Its JJK. The company's name itself is the Owner's name." Hobi said.

"What is his full name?" Taehyung asked.

"It is Jeon Jungkook."

"Did you ever meet him?"

"No. It is for the first time I am gonna see him too. I work here since last five months and never saw him. Just got some details. I got to know that he has connection to Mafia world too." Hobi whispered the last sentence so no one else could hear.

"Mafia! These days I am hearing this word a lot." Taehyung chuckled.

"This is not a joke. He is the real one and no one dare to say anything in front of him. People are scared mere to look into his eyes. He is very dangerous." Hobi said.

"Oh.....I need to be careful than." Taehyung was serious now.

( you are unaware, what is coming next for you.)

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