8: Echoes of the Past

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**Chapter 8: Echoes of the Past**

The day's exertion left both young men fatigued. Bakugou, wiping away sweat with the back of his hand, remarked, "You've got more substance than just words." A smirk played on his lips as Shoto flashed a grateful smile, "Thanks for the help."

As the sun's golden hues faded, replaced by twilight's embrace, Bakugou observed, "Night's approaching. We need to find shelter." Shoto nodded, his newly attuned senses catching the unique Ki signatures of the creatures of the night as they began to stir.

They stumbled upon a natural alcove beneath a massive tree, providing just enough shelter from the elements. Settling down, the soft hum of the forest around them, the duo began to share fragments of their past.

Curious, Bakugou initiated, "Tell me about your family."

Shoto's narrative unfolded, describing his siblings and parents with fondness. Yet, he carefully sidestepped any mention of the palace or their elevated status. His tales were filled with ordinary moments, laughter, and bittersweet memories.

Turning the tables, Shoto probed, "What about you, Katsuki?"

Bakugou hesitated for a brief moment before revealing, "I don't recall much about my parents. It was my grandfather who raised me, but he passed away not too long ago." His voice was soft, a rare vulnerability shining through.

As the night deepened, both found solace in the sounds of the forest and drifted into sleep. But the tranquility was soon shattered. Shoto was jolted awake by a gut-wrenching scream. He turned, heart racing, to find Bakugou thrashing in his sleep, face contorted in agony. It was evident he was trapped in a nightmarish memory.

Shoto was torn. Should he wake Katsuki, or let the dream run its course? As he weighed his options, Bakugou's whimpers began to subside. Relieved, Shoto closed his eyes, attempting to find rest once more.

Dawn broke, bringing with it the promise of a new day. Both young men, feeling the wear of the previous day, decided to freshen up at the waterfall where their paths had first crossed. As they bathed, there were moments of playful splashing, accidental glances, and a fair share of blushing, adding a touch of levity to their otherwise perilous journey.

Refreshed and invigorated, the duo set their sights on their first destination: the Tempest Torrent. Unbeknownst to them, this leg of their journey was about to test their mettle and bond in ways they hadn't anticipated.

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