15: Discoveries and Desires

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**Chapter 15: Discoveries and Desires**

The cave provided a haven for the two young men, away from the prying eyes of the world. Its dimly lit interiors shielded secrets and unspoken desires. Bakugou's eyes, usually so fierce, were now filled with vulnerability as he lay on the cave floor, glancing up at Shoto. "I was afraid," he admitted, "That once you knew the truth, you'd be repelled. But you stayed."

Shoto, drawing closer, whispered, "Not just stayed, but found someone I didn't even realize I was looking for."

Bakugou averted his gaze, his voice dropping to a whisper, "You're going back to the palace tomorrow, aren't you? I had hoped... maybe you'd stay a little longer with me."

Shoto smirked at Bakugou's thinly veiled hope. "We agreed on seven days, didn't we? Still have three to go."

The playfulness in Shoto's voice made Bakugou's heart race. But hiding behind his usual brash demeanor, he exclaimed, "Two weeks! Stay with me for at least two weeks!"

Shoto teased, "That's a big ask," but seeing Bakugou's genuine plea, he relented, "Alright, two weeks it is."

Suddenly, Bakugou placed a hand over his chest, his expression clouding with confusion. "Something's weird. Every time you mention leaving, it feels... I don't know, painful here." He motioned to his heart. "I think I might be sick."

Shoto chuckled, moving closer, "I've felt that too, many times when I'm near you." He leaned in, their breaths mingling, the closeness electrifying. "Want to feel it again?"

Before Bakugou could even process the question, Shoto captured his lips in a fervent kiss. It was an exploration, a discovery of feelings they hadn't fully understood. The world outside the cave seemed to fade as they lost themselves in the kiss. Bakugou, though initially taken aback, responded with equal passion, wrapping his hands around Shoto's neck and pulling him closer.

After what felt like an eternity, they pulled apart, their eyes shining with emotions neither had ever felt before. Shoto rested his forehead against Bakugou's, "You're not sick, Katsuki. It's just... emotions, feelings that are new to us."

Bakugou smirked, his bravado returning, "If this is sickness, then I don't want the cure."

They laughed, and in that moment, amidst the forest's vast expanse, two souls found themselves intertwined in ways they had never imagined.

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