9: Torrents and Trust

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**Chapter 9: Torrents and Trust**

The roar of the Tempest Torrent was deafening. Its name was no exaggeration; the river surged with a might and ferocity that seemed almost unnatural. Its waters churned and frothed, creating powerful whirlpools and torrents that made it a formidable barrier in their quest for the dragon boy.

Without hesitation, Bakugou took a step forward, determination burning in his eyes. "I'll handle this," he declared, preparing to challenge the mighty river with sheer brute strength. But as he lunged forward, the river retaliated. With a roar that seemed to shake the very ground they stood on, a massive wave surged towards Bakugou.

Shoto watched in horror as Bakugou, despite his valiant efforts, was caught in the river's powerful grip. The force of the water sent him crashing against sharp rocks, leaving him bruised and battered. In mere moments, Bakugou's formidable strength was rendered ineffective against nature's wrath.

Thinking quickly, Shoto recalled a lesson from his training days: sometimes, it wasn't about conquering a force, but understanding and redirecting it. Noting a series of boulders and fallen trees near the riverbank, he formed a plan. Using ropes from his pack, Shoto quickly fashioned makeshift anchors and barriers. He then utilized the river's own momentum, redirecting its flow and creating a temporary calm passage.

With the waters momentarily tamed, Shoto rushed to Bakugou's side, pulling him to safety. Gasping for breath, Bakugou looked up, pain and gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thanks," he rasped, clutching his injured side.

Shoto brushed off the gratitude, "We're even now."

Bakugou tried to push himself up, grimacing with pain, "Go. Find the dragon boy. I can't move much with these injuries. But I'll catch up."

But Shoto, without hesitation, retorted, "We started this journey together, and we'll see it through together. We fight side by side."

Bakugou looked surprised by the fervor in Shoto's voice. And Shoto himself couldn't quite pinpoint why he felt such a strong bond to this stranger he had only recently met. But deep down, he knew the reason. For once, he was seen for who he truly was, not as a prince, but as Shoto, an individual with strengths, weaknesses, and desires.

Their quest was far from over, but the challenges they faced only solidified the bond that was forming between them. And as they looked ahead, they knew they could rely on one another, no matter what lay in store.

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