❥﹒第 13 章

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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞

𝙅𝙪𝙟𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝 - 2021

"Good work, everyone."

All four finally reached the entrance of Jujutsu High, having battled against the thousands of stairs that led them there. Sunoo panted, his hands resting on his knees as he tried to catch his breath, exhausted from the climb.

Riki and Haru, being more accustomed to the physical demands, stood apart from each other near the school's entrance. Haru positioned herself a bit closer to the school, while Riki supported Kuroi and the vessel.

"We're inside Jujutsu High's barrier now," Riki announced, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

"What a relief," Sunoo said, managing a tired smile as he accepted a tissue from Kuroi to wipe away the sweat from his brow.

While the two of them engaged in small talk, Haru couldn't help but steal glances at the somber blonde. Despite his tired eyes hidden behind those round shades, she saw beyond the facade he put up.

"Nishimura," she called out, her voice soft and filled with admiration. Riki turned his head to look at her, his interest piqued. She sent him a loving smile, her eyes forming crescents. "You really worked hard this time."

His heart fluttered at her words, a warmth washing over him. However, he couldn't let himself show it. Instead, he maintained his playful facade, sighing heavily before rolling his eyes. "I never wanna get stuck babysitting a brat again."

Sunoo turned around with a smile, appreciating the return of their usual banter. But just as they were about to ease back into their usual camaraderie, tragedy struck. A massive silver blade shot out of Riki's chest, piercing him through.

"Impossible," Haru's voice mumbled, her shock evident. "We're inside Jujutsu High's barrier!"

Riki's vision blurred as he gazed at Haru's figure, his strength waning rapidly. Despite the shock that gripped her, Haru had already assumed a fighting stance, ready to protect them. Riki forced his eyes downward, focusing on the sword that protruded from his chest, now drenched in his own blood. Slowly, he blinked, trying to process the horrifying turn of events.

"Have we met before?"

The other three were frozen in their tracks, their faces reflecting a mix of fear and surprise as they gazed upon the muscular man who wore a smug smile, relishing in his accomplishment. Riki, who dared not to move an inch, slowly turned his head to see who it was. 

His black hair was down, and his smile bordered on the edge of mockery.

"Don't worry about that," his voice was monotone and deep, and he slowly looked up at the blonde. "I'm terrible at remembering guys' names, too."

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