Chapter 40

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  I'm currently on my way to Russia. I've had a lot more 'Dr' visits everyday at exactly 2:33 p.m. They pump that red liquid into my body. I can feel my self starting to slip and lose my way. When he asks me something, I do it with out hesitation. Not only that, but I'm starting to like the way I feel when it entires my veins, which scares the crap out of me.
  There's five more weeks until Addison wedding. I know that I've let her down and failed my family. Yet their alive, meaning my plan didn''t fail me. Once the helicopter lands on top of the building we step out to a snowy scene. It's a big concert building, surrounded my snow pine trees.
  As Hassan and I step out of the helicopter, we are welcomed by Chairmen Morozov. "Welcome General Hassan," Morozov greats. "Thank you for agreeing to this," Hassan says and shakes Morozov's hand. "I will have her for eight week. I will send her on a mission and then she will be deployed back to you," the Russian explains.
I stand there awkwardly. Waiting for my next orders. "Now, Khor Khoreh, how many languages do you know?" Morozov asks. "Thirteen," I respond. "You know Russian?" He asks. "Yes sir," I respond. "Good. I will have my soldiers escort you to your sleeping corners. We'll see how long you can last with my men," Morozov says.
Two soldiers come up behind me and grab my arms, pulling me into the building, and away from the snowy scene. It takes a lot out of me not to fight back. Considering it is my natural in stinks.

I've now been here for seven weeks and three days. Four more days till Addison wedding day, and I'm not gonna be there. At least I didn't have to wear that blue dress. As pretty as it was, I didn't like that back. Everyday is training, fighting, training, my food in a drippy bag, and then training again. I'm lucky if I can even get two hours of sleep before it starts all over again.
Today though, I have a meeting about where my mission is going to be. I have a feeling it will be somewhere in Asia. I heard a couple of soldiers talking about something Asia, but who knows.

I'm currently heading to the conference room. I get to Morozov's office and head into the office. It's a room just like the other ones. Books, computers, ten chairs and ten candles at each. I spot Morozov standing by the bookshelf to the left with a drink in hand. "Oh Khor, I didn't hear you come in. Please have a seat," he commands. I take the seat on the end, making sure that my back is straight. "I have a mission for you," he says in Russian. "You will be deployed over in Texas," he says.

  He throws a folder in front of me. I take it and open it. In it, is a picture of a man. He has dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He has a scar on his cheek, most likely from a knife. "His name is Jackson Gray. Although we are against America at the moment he has double crossed us and the president. He has no reason to be alive anymore," Morozov explains. I nod my head. He worked with President Biden and from the looks of it he was close to him. "You will depart in two days. On the third day you will set up camp and the forth you will eliminate the target. Any questions?" I nod my head. "Good, you may leave," he finishes. I head to my cell and let sleep consume me.

  Today is the day that I leave. We're about an hour away from America and about thirty-eight from Texas. Once we land they drop me off in Houston Texas. They give me coordinate's to go to. I hop into the car that was given to me and make my way to the city. As I'm driving I watch the once familiar landscape, turn into a distant land. I sigh at the thought of my memory going. The dosage that they gave me last night was the worst one. It took me five hours to remember my name, that scares me beyond words.

  I end up ditching the car in the alleyway and make my way to the building that is about three miles away. I grab my duffel bag and start my walk. I climb up the fire escape latter and walk on the roof tops of the skyscrapers. I look down on to allot he little people. Instead of a shemagh, I'm wearing a face mask that only cover my my mouth. My hair is up in a lose braid, with strands falling in my face.

  Once I get to the rundown building, I start to set up my station. I set up my spot. I have a gun holder in front of the window, meaning I now have to go across and set up other automatic firing guns. That way they can't find out where the original shot came from. The town is throwing him a parade tomorrow, in honor of the fact that he said he was going to give Houston money. Not only do I have to kill him, but I also have to steal the money back.

  Once all of the guns are set up I go back to the main building. I entire through the window and slide down the side. I close my eyes and take off my mask. "Help!" I hear in the distance. I perk up and crab my mask and put it back on. "Help!" I hear again. I'm currently in the badger part of Houston, when we would come here, Sharon made sure that her kids never said a word. But this is where I grew up. I go to the window and kneel on the edge. Then I spot a woman getting mugged. I grab an electrical wire and attach it to the wall and jump out of the building.

  I end up dropping right behind the group of men mugging her. They have her pinned against the wall. There's twelve men standing around her, while a man in all black holds her down. He's clearly drunk, he smells it. "Go beat up on your men," I say making my presence known. They all just turn around and start laughing. "What the hell are you supposed to be?" The main guy asks. "The boogie man."

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