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"ah shit it hurts" Kai said. He rolled his ankle during the last portion of tryouts while they were scrimmaging. Crystal jumped up when he went down and ran to him.

"stop cussing in front of these kids" Crystal said

"he definitely rolled it, i'll go get the trainer" Devale said

"no i got him, im a physical therapist" she said tying his shoe tighter

"you sure?"

"yea, come on dude we can go to the clinic since it's closer" Crystal said trying to help Kairen up

"hold on" Devale said picking Kai up "i got him ill take him to your car. Yall shoot free throws until i get back!"


Damn he strong cause Kai is a big mf. the nigga almost taller than me and he's 11.


"oh hm?"

"i said where's your car?"

"oh right come on"

"mom this shit hurts worse than last time"

"boy i told you to stop cussing we aren't at home. i'm sorry Devale" i said unlocking the door and opening it

"it's fine trust me" he laughs. nigga what the fuck is funny? he a giggly ass nigga

He puts Kai in the car and when i walk to the drivers side, he follows me

"you sure is on my tail" i say

"can i get the door for you?" he says placing his hand on the door handle

"oh shoot i guess. thank you" i smile as he opens the door and helps me in. green flag number 48.

"here" he said handing me a card, "call me when you get an idea of how serious it is and how long he'll be out."

"okay i will" as i start the car he speaks again "and let me know when yall make it home safe. be easy Kai"

"thanks coach"

Devale closes my door and taps the roof. When i pull off i see him walking back into the school gym before leaving the school premises.

When we got to the clinic i got Kai set up on one of the tables. After taking a look at his ankle i saw that it wasn't a bad injury he would need about a week and a half off and he'll be good to go. After putting some ice and compression on it, we went home. While Kai was getting ready for bed i called Devale.

"hey Devale, it's Crystal"

"oh hey Crystal how's my guy?"

heh, his guy. "he's good we just got home. so he'll be out for a week maybe 2 just to give his ankle enough time to heal but after that he should be good to go"

"alright no problem that'll give us enough time to get him acclimated to the team and how we'll do things before the first game" he explained

"so he made the team?"

"oh of course, he's likely our star player. but don't give him the news yet, ill tell him tomorrow"

"oh actually he won't be at school tomorrow, im giving him a rest day. but you're more than welcome to come by and give him the news" i said. maybe i wanted to see his fine ass but i also did want him to give my boy the good news instead of waiting

"alright no problem i'll come by after school"

"okay ill send you the address tomorrow"

"okay copy, you have a good night Crystal. and give Kairen my love"

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