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Saturday, September 16, Hayslett Residence

Crystal woke up and started her day by working out in her home gym. Afterwards she took a shower and made her some breakfast. It was weird eating by herself because she usually did everything with Kairen. She tried so hard not to call him so she called Bria.

"hey boo" Bria said on the other side of the phone

"hey B, what you doing today?" Crystal asked

"i'm with my man going to his car meets what's up girl?"

"which man?"

"the one with the camero girl" she said just above a whisper

"oh good i thought it was the sugar daddy with the lac"

"i'm not telling you nothing no more"

"im just playing but you go have fun i was just checking on you ill see you tomorrow"

"alright boo love you"

"love you too" Crystal said then she hung up.

Crystal honestly had no friends outside of Bria since she wasn't a people person so she had nothing to do. She then decided she'd call her dad.

"hey mooks" Alonzo spoke

"hey daddy what you doing?" Asked Crystal

"nothing much, i'm on that tac tac stuff that man man showed me"

"oh lord" Crystal said shaking her head. Kairen showed Alonzo how to work social media and ever since he's been addicted.

"well are you at the house?"

"yea im here gone ahead and come by"

"alright im on the way, i love you"

"i love you too mooks" They hang up.

Crystal finished her breakfast and got ready for the day. About an hour later she was out the door to her dad's house. When she arrived she went right in.

Crystal called out "Dad! where you at?"

"i'm on the couch why are you yelling?" Alonzo replied standing up as Crystal came into the room

"my bad, hey daddy" she said hugging him then sitting down

"where is man man?"

"he's at a sleepover with one of his friends actually he should be up by now-"

She was interrupted by her phone ringing and it was Kairen

"speaking of the devil" She answered the phone. "hey sonshine"

"hey mom, good morning"

"good morning, what you doing? you just got up?"

"yes we're about to eat breakfast"

"oh okay, you good?"

"yes mom, are you okay? do you need me to come home?"

"no you have fun im here with your papa"

"what up boy!" Alonzo said into the speaker

"what's up pop" Kairen replied

"alright call me later son" Crystal said

"alright i love yall"

"love you too" both Alonzo and Crystal spoke and they hung up.

"oh i get it, you're bored without man man"

"yes, and Bria was busy with one of her men i have nothing to do"

"who is man man even with?"

"oh his basketball coach, his nephew and Kai are friends"

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