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Devale opened the door and Kairen immediately hugged him. Devale looked at Crystal then back down at Kairen.

"come on, it's cold out here" Devale said and they went into the house sitting on the couch.

Nobody said anything, Kairen was crying, which made both Devale and Crystal tear up. Devale just pulled him in for another hug and kissed the top of his head.

"i know you didn't mean it, and it's okay. i'm sorry for making you feel like i was abandoning you, but i would never do that. you're my son and i love you too much"

"i know. i'm sorry, i was just mad"

"and you're allowed to have feelings but i told you before, as a man and just as a human being, when you get mad think about what you're going to say. because i won't lie to you, when you said you hated me, that shit hurt. even though i know you didn't mean it, it still hurt."

"i know, im trying to control my anger like you taught me but it all just brought back what Robert did"

"i get that and your feelings are valid son. you're still young so it may take a while for you to understand certain things. and like i told you before, im not Robert, and that nigga ain't me. i would never do you like he did. i love you son"

"i love you too dad"

"apologize to your mother too, cause i know you upset her and i hate my baby being upset"

"im sorry, i love you mom" Kairen said hugging her

"i love you too sonshine"

"can i meet him?" Kairen asked

Devale hesitated, "umm, give me a second" he got up and went to his room where Devin was playing games on his phone.

"hey bud"

"hi daddy"

"what you playing?"

"i'm playing the word search"

"how? you're 7"

"i can read daddy, im big enough"

"i know bu- never mind. so um, you know Ms. Crystal right?"


"okay so like you're my son, me and Ms. Crystal have a son too"

Devin put his finger on his chin and looked like he was thinking, "uhhhh, wait! so he's my brother?!"

"yes he is y-"

"daddy can we go see my brother please?"

"you sure?"

"yes i always wanted a brother!"

Devale smiled, "come on he's outside"

Devin shot up and opened the door running out to the living room. He ran around the couch then hugged Kairen.

"hi brother!"

"hey lil bro"

"i'm Devin, what's your name?"

"i'm Kairen, you can call me Kai"

"ok- is that spider man?"

"yea it is, dad got it for me"

"daddy i want one too!"

"i'll get you one Bud"

"here you can have mine" Kairen said giving the keychain to Devin


"yea it's yours"

"thank you Kai"

"no problem"

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