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Hayslett Residence,

"baby your phones ringing" Crystal said shaking Devale who was knocked out. When he didn't respond, she yelled his name and he woke up.

"what? what happend?"

"you phone, answer it or turn it off"

Devale reached out to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. without looking at the caller id, he answered putting the phone to his ear waiting for them to speak. When they didn't say anything he hung up and went back to cuddling Crystal.

not even 10 seconds later it rang again. "the fuck!" Devale cursed. He picked it up again and answered.

"we just gon be playing the breathing game if yo ass don't say nothing" He said

"hello?" they whispered, it sounded like a young boy

"who this?"

"um this is Devin"

Devale shot up from laying down, "Devin? lil D? what's up you good?"

"umm can you come get me? i'm at the mcdonald's by the street um Cleveland"

"yea im on my way stay of the phone with me okay?" Devale said getting up and putting his clothes on. "how'd you get my number? what happened?"

"umm i heard mom saying something about my dad. and she said your name. then when she went to sleep i took her phone and ran out of the house. i looked for the name and called i didn't know what else to do"

"what? okay um im on my way. if you can just sit in the McDonalds until i get there okay?"

"okay" he said softly. Devale told Crystal he'd be back. He grabbed his keys and flew out the door into his car and out the driveway.

he had to drive across town so it took him a minute even though he was driving like a bat out of hell. When he finally made it he went in. He looked around and saw Devin laying in one of the booths half asleep, he approached him slowly while saying his name.

"Devin, hey buddy i'm here, it's Devale" he said softly

Devin slowly looked up and immediately hugged Devale. Devale couldn't help but get emotional. The little boy in front of him looked just like he did as a baby.

"i got you okay? don't worry i got you" Devale said. "are you hungry?" Devale asked and Devin just nodded. "okay let's get you some pancakes how about that?"

"okay" Devin said. Devale order the both of them some food and they sat and ate. Devale wanted to ask him questions but he thought he'd wait. He also noticed Devin was pretty dirty, like he hadn't had a bath in a while. After they ate, they went to a nearby walmart and got him some clothes and necessities before going back to Crystals house. When they got there, Devin was asleep so Devale got him out of the car without waking him. He got the bags and and quietly went upstairs trying not to wake anybody. He woke Devin up to give him and bath and got him in fresh clothes then put him in the guest room to sleep.

While he was closing the door he heard Crystal behind him.

"baby?" Crystal whispered

"oh hey"

"what are you doing?" she asked. Devale just opened the door showing her Devin asleep in the bed. then grabbed her hand guiding her downstairs to her room. they sat on the bed.

"that's Devin, Mariah's son. He called me from her phone, saying he ran from the house." he paused as the tears came down his face, "baby he had bruises all over him, he was hungry, and he clearly haven't had a bath and a few days"

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