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Wednesday Evening, Crystal

Since Sunday, Devale and I have talked on the phone damn near all day everyday when we weren't around each other. I still want to know what he meant by what he said but he wont tell me.

After the parent meeting, me and Kai came home and at dinner and he's now in bed. i was in my bed watching some random movie. it was going on 10:30 pm when i got a facetime call from Devale. I propped it up on my lamp on the nightstand next to me and answered.

"hello Sir" i say when the call connected

"hey beautiful? what you doing?" he said with a smile on his face. he has a beautiful smile i swear to baby Jesus and the grown one too.

"i told you about that beautiful shit. don't be flirting with me i told you it turns me on. and i'm in bed, i was waiting on your call"

"oh you swear up and down you not fucking with me but be waiting on my calls? that's cute i like that"

"boy shut up. did you just get home?"

"yes ma'am, i had to run and errand real quick"

"oh..okay" i wanted to ask but he isn't my man even though he is my man

"you want to know what the errand was, don't you?" he said. i know he could see the look all over my face

still i deny it, "no, i don't"

"i went to go see my parents graves. i miss them a lot right now" he said. i felt bad. i know how it feels to lose one parent but both? i couldn't imagine that especially at the same time.

"i'm sorry"

"it's okay. i know i made you uncomfortable so let me ask about your day. how was it?"

"it was good, especially since i got to see you" i smiled. i don't care, im gonna flirt with this man

"seeing you made my day better as well, i was kind of going through it today but your presence made it better"

"im glad i was able to make it better"

"you'll always make my days better" he said and i might've blushed.

"why you like flirting with me so much?" i asked

"thats just me"

I heard a knock at the door. "who the fuck is knocking on my door at this time of night?"

"somebody at your door?"

"yes, hold up i'm looking at the cameras" i say opening my ring app on my ipad.

"you need me to come by?"

"no it's oka-" i see Robert outside on the camera. This nigga hasn't called about his son in a week and he shows up unannounced.

"it's Robert. imma go see what this nigga wants. i told him about coming over unannounced"

"Crystal stay on the phone with me" Devale demanded

"okay" i say getting up to go to the door. I unlock the door and open it.

"Robert i told you about coming over here without calling first"

"i came to see you " he said stumbling, i could smell the alcohol on him and it wasn't pleasant

"Robert go home i told you about this shit."

"fuck no, i miss you Crys" he said trying to push his way in the house. i pushed him back, this nigga reeked.

"nigga you not coming in my house the fuck? go home to your wife Robert" he done lost his damn mind

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