Track 05 - My New Neighbour

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"I came here to get away from it all. And I would have, if not for that meddling kid."

It was a quiet night at the house.

Huggy had returned for the next few days and was in the corner of the living room playing with some building blocks. You were watching TV with Tabi, noticing Tabi occasionally shooting dirty looks at Huggy. You thought of teasing him about it but didn't, not having the energy for it. You were having trouble staying up, energy waning. The day had taken a lot out of you and staying stationary wasn't helping. You needed either a second wind or to get up and do something to stay wake.

Tabi likewise was drifting off too, a particularly busy day of tree trimming having worn him out. Both of you leaned against each other about to fall asleep. An uncomfortable sleep it would have been, had Huggy not spilled all his building blocks waking the both of you up.

"I think I'm gonna check in for the night." You remark, stifling a yawn. "Aye. I'm done too." Tabi got up.

As you shut the television off, the doorbell rung. Tabi was on it first, drawing his knife. Huggy perked up as well, excited for who could be there.

Like a trio, you instinctively reached for your gun, wondering who it could be at this hour. You walk to the window, push aside the curtain and peer at ringer. It was slightly out of sight but you could tell it none other than Theo standing there, fidgeting with his coat. You remark to Tabi who just shakes his head and goes to his room. Huggy was still excited but you tell him to stay back.

Theo knew of Huggy but still hadn't figured him out yet. Not that there was a lot to figure out but having a giant gangly furry creature running around certainly wasn't normal.

You open the door. Indeed, standing there, Theodore, your newest neighbour.

He was a middle-aged man with a long-rounded face and neck. Tabi, upon first meeting him couldn't tell where his head started and ended, noting he 'looked like a thumb with hair'.

He had not revealed his age, but you could tell from the wrinkles and even the way he acted, must've been late 40s earliest. He had aged well as he still had a full head of brown hair, the front stylized and combed upwards like a schoolboy. Despite his age there were but a few grey-streaks in it, concentrated along the sides.

A large classically-style moustache hid the top part of his mouth, it having been groomed promiscuously. Tabi had joked that it made him look like a '1920s serial-killer'. His chin and lower head had faint scars on it that looked like there had been many accidents in shaving aeons ago.

Tabi did joke about him a bit, but Theo surprised him when he had no reaction to Tabi's appearance, greeting him as he would anyone else. It was shocking enough that Tabi remarked, to which Theo replied 'oh, we're all strange in our own ways. Nothing fazes me anymore.'

He wore a white golf shirt with the button around the neck left out. The cuffs were tucked nicely along the sleeveless, purple plaid sweater he wore atop it. It no doubt kept him warm in the cool early summer breeze.

The sleeves on his arms were rolled up revealed his scarred arms. It was unknown if they were self-inflicted or some side plot in his already mysterious past. You had asked a day ago and he remarked they were a result of his engineering. Of course, with how much he kept to himself there was no telling if that was the truth. On his hands he wore black rubber gloves.

It was the same gloves you had noticed him wear a few days back while he was working on the house. Hanging outside on the second floor, hammering at some sort of window with no suspicions, no regard for construction safety all.

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