Track 36 - An Odd Assembly

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"And what is your endgame? That we make up, become best friends?"

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Artist: Christian Wilson

Song: Coast to Coast

The Donna's Cafe, the current base camp for the Carnival. Ran by Rosie Belladonna, it doubled as both the homes for the Fae and her Donnas, remnants of a once fierce street gang.

This afternoon Rosie was out 'shopping' with you and Tabi, leaving the place to Tess to run. Despite only being here for a few days, Rosie felt more than confident in letting the android girl run the place. Her Donnas knew what to do anyways. Aside from the usual employees Kapi was also present, in the back baking.

Humming to herself, Tess dusted off the tables. Not that they needed dusting, but it gave her something to while she waited excitedly.

With how shaky the first meeting of Whitty and Updike went she didn't trust it would last. For a partnership to work they would have to fully rescind their differences.

She knew Updike was waiting for Whitty to slip up so he could throw him out. Vice versa for Whitty. Having spoken to Kapi about it privately he explained how Aldryx already battled with Updike for control, only stopping his 'takeover' when Updike brought in Solazar. With nothing to stop Whitty she fully expected him to come up with a reason to force Updike out.

So she decided late last night that, like schoolkids they would have to hash out their differences and learn to work together. She didn't fully know their history but felt assured enough this was something that needed to happen. After all, with all the compromises everyone else made on the team, this was more than fair.

It was all she thought about last night, figuring out the best solution to mediate between them, even asking other members privately how they were. In particular she reached out to S and Nikku who explained to her what they thought of Updike. Suffice to say, it wasn't a positive view, Updike being hard-headed and stubborn, stuck in his own ways. She asked Kapi and Carol about Whitty. While more positive, they both recognized the faults in the walking bomb, hard-headed and stubborn, trauma buried inside him.

She knew that just asking Updike directly to meet with Whitty would be a resounding 'no'. Instead she texted the weatherman that she wanted to meet with her and Whitty, playing it off as Updike being the bigger man, that she'd been reconsidering her opinions on Whitty after hearing him threaten to blow up the whole block. 'Maybe you were right.'

Through Carol she asked Whitty the inverse. That she was worried about Updike, how he didn't like half the team being 'abominations' and that if TGG were to withdraw support there was always IRIS the Carnival could fall back on.

The bait was taken by both parties, agreeing to meet after noon. Tess felt devious, giggling to herself as she waited for everyone to arrive.

She thought of inviting two of her close friends to help, Cupid and Omori, though decided against it. She wasn't sure how Cupid would react to someone like Updike, whose righteousness knew no bounds. And Omori was going through things, not in a good place right now. She knew better than to ask him.

Wanting to cover her bases she told you and Solazar. Texting you in the morning, you originally planned to attend though Tabi ended up taking your attention for the day. It was Tabi's birthday after all. Solazar wasn't happy more people joined without his consent but agreed to having Updike and Whitty meet.

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