Track 29 - Those We Lost

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"It's not fair everyone keeps me in the dark."

You weren't sure what Chaotix did afterwards but know they at least reached Tess. An unknown number called hours later in the wee hours, Tess. Her voice sounded cold and hollow, no cheer from the last time you heard her.

It roused you and Tabi from sleep on the couch, Tabi lying on you. With the passing days it started to become normal to fall asleep together, even if the first few times it was unintentional. You put her on speaker, Tabi wanting to hear it.

Her explanation confirmed what you guessed earlier. That after the Night of Fire, she was awoken to a text message from Displo. She quoted it, revealing Displo's final words.

"I'm sorry for what has happened. It wasn't your fault."

And then radio silence. She went to the restaurant later to find it a smouldering pile of flames being doused by firefighters. And that it was it.

With IRIS thrown into turmoil they effectively abandoned her. Left without a job, no prospect for a new restaurant, and no explanation as to what happened she didn't leave her apartment. Since that night she didn't even get another job, the grieving process hitting her hard. "I just want to why he was killed. It's not fair."

She suspected you at first. But other than knowing your name she knew nothing. She went to the police though no cop claimed to know who you were. Then she suspected your name was just an alias. That you were too suspicious to not have killed Displo for whatever backwards deals you and he concocted. In the end she stumbled upon Chaotix, who had set up shop in the city. And they brought her to you.

When they had told her your message she broke down crying. She didn't know why the Family would go after him. What had Displo done? Why didn't he tell her? She said the one line you had gotten used to hearing in many different forms and phrases.

"I can't let this stand anymore." She said, almost on the verge of tears. "They have to pay. I will do whatever it takes."

It was Tabi's turn to speak. "They won't. Not anymore."

There wasn't much of a conversation to have after that. Tabi listened in, formally introducing himself to Tess. Because of Tabi's previous spiel he whispered to you to not discuss the plan over the phone. Not that you intended to anyways you cut it short, telling Tess to meet you tomorrow at noon at Rosie's. You don't know if she had heard of the place, but she certainly didn't react to it.

"I'll tell you everything. I promise."

She still seemed depressed when you hung up but knew she would be better tomorrow. The night slept by easily though you couldn't help but worry about Tess. There was guilt there. That you should have told Tess sooner. But as you thought of it, you couldn't see how you could have. Displo wanted to keep her in the dark.

One dreamy sleep later, you arrive at Rosie's Cafe. Still a little before noon and before Tess were due to arrive.

"Never thought you'd be working for me huh?" Rosie said mockingly. She was waiting for you outside as you pulled in to the back. There was no indication she had been shot and was just as energized as before.

"Yeah well, this isn't permanent. Just until we-"

"-win. I know. It'll be very soon yada yada. But until then you're all mine." She grinned. Looking at her, you start to feel like you've made a mistake quitting TGG. But just as dread starts to seep in, her grin fades.

"Ah, I'm just screwin' with ya. C'mon. I'll show you your quarters." She was dressed as a maid, the same frilly pink outfit you'd seen her in the day before.

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