Track 24 - The Doctor Is In

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"There is simply so much research to be done. You cannot fathom the breakthroughs I will make with you."

Nikusa had been watching everything unfold with her friend. They were standing on a building rooftop nearby as S dropped the bombs.

"What do you think of the whole thing?" She asked playfully to the glowing green man.

"I don't care. Be cool if they can get them out. When are we going in?"

"When Soly says so honey."

"Hmph." He stood upright, hoping there was wind to make his coat flap. There was none.

"Send in Nikusa." Solazar said from the comlink. She stood up as well.

"It's our time to shine! Are you ready?" She declared.

"Yes. No killing."

"Correct! And since Aldryx asked so nicely too. Keep your attacks at a minimum. I don't want Aldy to get on my back about it."


TGG and IRIS existed to deal with 'inhuman' creatures. They didn't think straight, they had warped morals, they made strange choices, and most could take a full clip and still stand. So long as they followed the city law they could exist just fine. They were a sizeable minority in the city and were ultimately just like everyone else. Nikusa and her friend were not this. They walked up to the east gate, not trying the least to be inconspicuous.

This was the kind of behaviour Updike had rallied against. Had the warden not been such a prude he would have refused Nikusa's help in the first place. But the warden had to be taken down a peg.

Even now as Updike stood in the command room, guns trained on him, simply tuned out Solazar's command. He would have even offered to help the warden, possibly betraying Nikusa and her friend. But the warden had been so inhospitable he considered otherwise.

"Can you please lower your guns? I don't want to accidentally be shot." Updike asked.


"You do realize I could kill everyone in this room right now? Claim you lost your marbles and shut down this whole incident right?"

"Yeah, real edgy. Do that and the feds will be all over you like white on rice." The warden with sarcasm, pausing. "Fine. Lower your weapons everyone." The warden said, not even glancing back at Updike. "He can't kill us, by the way." He added mockingly.

Nikusa and her friend reached the steel gate. She touched it, just wanting to make sure. It as indeed electrified, though it did little to illicit a reaction from her.

She nodded to her friend. "Make a door for us, will ya?"

He nodded and walked to the fence. He took a deep breath before putting his hands onto the wire and squeezing. A bright green lit up and the chains began to melt. A glowing green liquid oozed out as it melted away giving freedom to the courtyard. The electricity was surging but quickly stopped as the chains came apart.

"Now then. Let's make a scene, shall we?" Nikusa asked, giddily.

Things were less smooth in the surveillance room. You and Nikku had found the backup room and entered accordingly. A blank room with rows and rows of servers that rose to the ceiling. A window lined the entire east wall, Nikku gained entry by impersonating the warden's voice, any onlookers figuring you and Nikku were allowed in.

It was a loud room, the servers buzzing loudly, built into the ground to the ceiling, columns stretching onward. Each was black with grates and plenty of blinking lights. It was noticeably chilly, an air conditioning system bellowing loudly in the room too.

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