Track 40 - Last Save Point

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"This is what I am now. I'm not going back."

So many things happened in the days leading up to the operation. Just to list every single event would be a titanic task. Things you overheard, experienced and mentioned weaved into a tapestry that formed the Carnival.

This was the last save point.

No turning back.

-- ONE --

"Are you certain this will work?" Theo asked. In front of him stood MALLEUS, Updike standing behind him. The console lit up displaying a feed of a drainpipe in the middle of some cliff. The feed emitted from a camera affixed to a drone. Location on the bottom listed as "DEAREST COMPOUND".

Per your instruction and Updike planning Theo brought a drone, getting a TGG agent to deploy it nearby. Updike had engineers equip it with a nephalometer, network and flashlight so it could do some additional surveillance. Though a basic map of the underground system existed, Udpike wanted more up to date information.

"I do not expect the Family to have surveillance and patrols in their sewer system. But if they do worst case we lose a machine and gain the knowledge. The layout and security topology is worth the detection."

Theo sighed. "This does not feel safe. They will know we are coming if seen."

"I have already said I will pay for the damages, if any. And don't forget we have it linked to a local college robotics club. That is, if they can even get it before it self-destructs."

With no retort on hand, Theo continued, moving the joystick ahead as the drone flew in.

"Plus, as we will be traversing this, don't you feel it appropriate to better have an idea of where we will be venturing?"

"I suppose so."

And so, following corridors of brick walls, occasional dirt paths and streams of water, the drone flew. Much to both Updike and Theo's surprise nothing stopped the drone. They saw nary a camera or guard.

All the while, TGG engineers watched closely and mapped out all seen in the tunnels from dead ends to the air quality. Breathable air and the water streams not toxic, it looks perfectly traversable. They found places where it connected to the city's sewer but for the most part, it all seemed custom-built. They took note of potential areas it connected to the manor, finding a cellar that had a manhole connected an ancient ladder present too.

As the camera looked up at the manhole, Theo asked.

"Are you certain you will be able to fit through that? No offense."

"I may be a wide individual but I assure you. I can compress myself rather effectively."

Theo looked at him in disbelief.

Updike shook his head. "Here. Feel this." He pulled up a white sleeve, revealing a snow-white furry arm. Theo hesitated as he looked at it. "Go on." Updike said.

Theo did so, putting his hand around Updike's arm and squeezing it. Sure enough he found he could press it further than he expected. "My it's like a marshmallow!" Theo exclaimed.

"But a thousand times stronger."

Satisfied at the success of their trip they began flying back. Next to the cellar they spotted an additional hallway, far down to the west and with a glowing white light at the end. Curious Theo steered towards there. They nary got a metre down the tunnel before they heard something excruciating. With how distorted it rung, it sounded as if it was right beside them. An ear-splitting screech, it made Theo drop his controller, heart nearly stopping. Whatever let out that scream wasn't human, anthro or even from this planet.

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