Track 33 - The Tank

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"They wanted him to take out some blue-haired kid."

With the end of the week arriving there wasn't a full roster tonight. Aldryx and Solazar were not present. Instead, they were at Agoti's latest show, making an appearance to support his comeback.

Tabi had been asked, or rather, you were asked by Solazar to bring him. Much as you were interested you settled for his Sunday show, which led Solazar to comment, "I'll be surprised if you could get him out then." He did not elaborate further.

You weren't sure what he meant but figure to ask Tabi later. For now it was the group meeting and the plan needed fleshing out.

Radi and Nikusa were invited but had not shown.

Rosie stepped out earlier, a phone call catching her attention. Pompom went with her, herself wanting some pastries. Rosie said it would take some time but Pompom had no problem waiting, enjoying the atmosphere of the restaurant. She'd left Huggy upstairs with everyone else.

Everyone else was accounted for.

Fairies fluttered about the place. They'd gotten used to everyone's appearance. Tabi in particular they liked, though the love was one-way. He didn't need anyone fawning over him. Not anymore.

"We need a demolitionist." You start. "We'll discuss getting that demon to bar the summons but for now we need someone to blow it up. It's a far more likely to get a bomber anyways. So far we considered Radi but I don't think he'll be able to melt the whole gate, if it's even affected by radioactive waste."

"Indeed. Those gates are surprisingly resilient. Self-healing even." Updike said.

"Does anyone know someone who can deal with bombs? Updike? There anyone in the prison we can use? Ruv?"

"I have been looking into it. We don't have any specialized explosive people. That's more of a...normal criminal act than what we deal with. We have someone who may be able to freeze it...though hunting him down will be a challenge. Ruv could work but doesn't know discreetness. He blows up the gate, half the city will know."

"Wait!" Kapi said, ears perking up. "I know someone...Think I said before, but nobody got back to me! He was at the arcade too."

"You did?" Nikku asked.

"Yeah. You remember that bomb-headed guy? Whitty? I'm sure he could blow up the gate. Dunno where to find him though. I could probably ask Cyr-"

"Whitmore." Updike spoke rather loudly, catching Kapi off guard. You remember him from the arcade battle too. Didn't say much but was as raucous as Kapi. You vaguely recall Kapi floating the name at some point earlier, but nothing ever came of it. Everyone was still high off the success of Earthquake then.

"Yeah. You know him?" Kapi asked.

"He is completely out of the question." Updike said icily.

You recall Whitty leaving in a huff at some point though never found out why. Cyrix didn't seem to know either. Then Updike showed up and dispersed everyone, chastising you all for making a scene. He never mentioned Whitty nor did he ask. Thinking on it, you wonder if they were connected. Would explain Updike's sudden standoffishness.

"What? Why?" Kapi asked. "I mean, he was kind of dick in school but he probably mellowed out. Know I did."

"You really went to school with him?"

"Yep! A year older than me."

"I think I know him. Loudmouth. Bomb for a head right?" Tabi asked. He was leaning back in his chair, toothpick in mouth.

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