Track 07 - He Who Scares Crows

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"I'll be very quick. Just a quick snatch and grab."

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Artist: Bull of Heaven

Song: A Ghost Prehistoric, Pt. 1

Up north in the farms the sky was so much brighter at night. Midnight had passed and the witching hour was within sight. Stars lit through and combined with the moon it provided enough hollow light to illuminate the ground.

A demonic scarecrow lay against a gigantic vine which rose out of the farmland. Going up it curled into a circle, a watchtower amongst the rolling farmlands. The scarecrow's back sat upright against the vine's bend. A few metres high up, it gave him almost full sight of the many acres the farm occupied. He was resting, a large black witch's hat covering his sackcloth head.

The farm's denizens, a family led by a witch named Amelia, a farmer named Ronan and their daughter Pomona all knew him as Zardy.

Zardy loved the late spring and summer. It allowed him to sleep outside and watch over the farm. Whenever everything was covered in snow he had no choice but to dwell in his shed, accompanied by the warmth of a fireplace.

At his side, hanging off the vine but held in place by smaller ones was a hoe, the edge sharpened just enough for stabbing. If it wasn't for the weapon shining in the moonlight he would a black silhouette over the foreboding landscape.

A strand of wheat emerged from under the hat, held by the scarecrow's mouth. It occasionally blew in the early summer night breeze.

But despite no ears present on the scarecrow and sight obscured by a hat he had a perfect grasp on the whole farm up to the perimeter.

So much so that he immediately detected the unfortunate crunching of grass, all the way on the outskirts of farm. It could have just been an animal but he knew better. He knew the steps a coyote would take, knew the sound a rabbit would make and he knew when it was neither of them.

He tipped his hat up, the black witch's hat revealing two large glowing yellow eyes. He glanced in the direction but saw nothing. After all, his eyes were only slightly better than normal. The intruder was too far away.

Image: He Who Scares Crows



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"Let's see who has come out to play." He said with excitement. He wanted to savour it, thinking of all the ways he could play with the intruder before eventually finding out why he trespassed.

For him, whenever something intruded onto his property it became his, at least, if it intruded. Even when Pomona brought friends over he would always spook them in some way. Whether he pretended to be fake, shot peas at them or got his goons to harass them he always had a laugh.

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