Track 21 - Days of Respite

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"Let me think~"

With two days left to go before Flashbang moods were up. Anxieties were up and everyone was focused. With it ongoing the remaining two days moved fast. All you could recall were a handful of things, the rest spent discussing, planning, writing, studying and more planning.

There was a lot planned.

----- Friday, Morning -----

It was your final day at Updike's. You didn't mind of course and felt all ready to start at Rosie's. It had been the quickest job of your life, only lasting a few days. Updike didn't seem to care much about you leaving and didn't comment on it at all. He either was the most professional boss you had ever had or just didn't care. Or maybe he decided that it was 'his' team and that you still worked for him anyways. You couldn't read him.

Bored out of your mind you take a walk to the holding prison. Tabi had managed to figure out the way to get in through sheer luck, getting past the fake bathroom into the prison.

Like the rest of the places you patrolled there wasn't a thing going on. A few guards were huddled around a computer, looking over some kind of report, same as the last few days.

You just shrug and start walking the aisles of empty prisons. Tabi explained to you that he only saw one prisoner during the operation. And in the past days you hadn't seen a single one. Not to mention that Updike had a full prison somewhere in the city's outskirts. So why even have one here? And why did there have to be so many cells? It didn't make any sense in the grand scheme of things.

Walking down you finally see something out of place. From one of the cells a blue glow emitted. One of the guards told you that when a new prisoner arrived that they all usually bombarded them with questions, just to break up the boredom. But it looked like nobody was in front of that cell. Perhaps they already questioned them?

As you got closer you heard a light singing coming from it. It sounded almost operatic but very ethereal. It wasn't natural singing you guessed. Bars of white light still sealed the cell but something within tinted it blue.

As you walk by you see what was going on. Whether by design or accident the cell's wall had been painted to depict an ocean-side scene with the sea on the back wall. The rest of the cell was normal with a sink and bed. Judging from the paint cans in the cell the prisoner must have done it.

You weren't sure what she was, standing in the middle of the cell. She had a seashell on her head, hiding her face in a darkness. All that was visible was her mouth, slowly moving and singing notes to incomprehensible lyrics, hypnotically. Her mouth glowed yellow.

She wore some kind of long flowing dress, the colour being a gradient of pink and purple. Designs of waves were sewn into it, giving the garment a sunshot appearance. It flew down to the floor, completely concealing her body. It almost looked like a nightgown. She had claws for hands like some shellfish. You guess she must have been some kind of crustacean, the four red appendages on her back giving it away.

Was she a siren? Did those even exist?

She noticed you staring and stopped, two glowing yellow eyes peering at you. But while you thought she was some dangerous being she smiled softly and blushed, a yellow glow in her cheeks.

"Oooh. I'm sorry. Was I too loud?" She said quietly.

"No, no, that was great. You're a good singer."

"Thank you. My name is Valerie." She said softly. "I usually sing to the ocean, but I can't now. Just thought if I did so that it would make me feel like home. It did." She bowed.

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