Track 14 - Red Sun At Night

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"I trust him, but only so far."

You crashed the minute you gotten home. It had taken a few hours after that to get acquainted from Aldryx. It took a couple hours to get acquainted with Aldryx. He wanted to hear the full story, glumly stating he hadn't had any time the last few weeks to hear it.

But as he listened he got a little sombre. You heard him mutter later that he should have joined earlier, that Agoti wouldn't have been in that situation. You pretended not to hear it but figure Agoti must have asked Aldryx at some point. Tabi, gruff as ever said that "you both would have just gotten arrested instead". It was blunt, but it what Aldryx needed to hear. He cracked a small smile and replied. "Maybe...but we woulda taken down a lot more cops."

After getting meeting with Agoti's older brother, you and Tabi drove home, stumbled through the front door and both fell asleep on the couch, both awkwardly on it.

You guess you had been up near 20 hours by now. While at one point such hours were normal those days were long gone. Tabi, while he was out for a while was drained from his wounds.

He explained on the way back that while he did heal faster, it took a lot of energy to do so. Either way, both of you were out on the couch.

You both awoke hours later in the deep night. You did first, finding yourself, sprawled out on the couch, Tabi in your arms, lightly snoozing. He lay on top, just as tired as you were. Eventually he stirred and you both returned to your rooms, either not even realizing what had occurred or too tired to speak on it. You realize you might have blushed, or Tabi did. It was all a happy blur.

Other than that single instance, the night had no interruptions. Even S seemed unusually quiet, no doubt off on his own adventures (unbeknownst to you, dealing with Nikku's new accommodations).

But around 8 you stirred first, a few rays of sun hitting through the blinded window. The first thing you noticed was you felt remarkably rested.

At first you check your phone, seeing a new message. For some reason your mind went to it being Displo but then you remembered. It was from Updike, a message was a question about 'cover' employment and that there would be a meeting today.

Questioning further, Updike stated he wished to hire you to TGG. You easily refuse, stating you had a better idea for a cover job. That and, not wanting to further entangle yourself into Updike's affairs.

Contact info already entered, you temporarily forget you had given him your number weeks ago. You reply back that you'll think about it and that you and Tabi will be there.

Deciding it was time to get busy you got out of bed, freshened up and got cooking. While Huggy just subsisted on raw meat (and whatever Pompom fed him), Tabi ate regularly. Having another mouth to feed was a bit different for groceries.

Of course, with Tabi's wages you didn't notice much of a difference. He was all too happy to help with the house and pay, feeling he owed it to you.

Tabi woke a bit later. Despite his wounds he was still ready to go to work. You questioned if he was able to work and he remarked he needed to. In a rare show of comedy, he joked that he needed to get his mind off Displo and Agoti.

Eating some eggs and toast, Tabi spoke. "What are you going to do today?"

"Updike offered me a job. Probably not going to take it though."

"Good. I trust him, but only so far. His whole organization comes off as strange. At least IRIS wasn't a cult."

"I told the chief I was going to start a PI business awhile ago. I'm going to set it up, just as a front. But at least it looks legit."

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