Track 37 - Explosive Meeting

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"Hurt them all you want, but. No. Killing."

One successful birthday party and amicable showdown later Monday arrived. Just as Agoti predicted, Tabi returned to normal. He woke up first, the two of you having slept together. Other than a 'good morning' he started freaking out that he needed to get to his job.

The day breezed by, you mostly on cloud 9, not paying much attention to the rest of the bakery. Nothing of note happened though with Rosie's the chance of some unruly customer was much greater. Some days were at least quiet. This was one of them. Night arriving, the sun had only half-set when Theo arrived.

He was deadset on showing you his latest project, declaring it a massive success so far. You weren't sure what he spoke about until he hauled in a massive, life-size replica of the real Sonic, albeit made of metal and scrap.

"S and Nikku have been helping me design it!" He declared. "I am putting my work into this team!" Scary as it was to see, you said nothing.

Though the high-speed technology was impossible, progress was going rapidly. S apparently had schematics, remarking to you that Theo would succeed where 'Eggman failed', whatever that meant.

Rocket-powered shoes, razor-sharp graphene claws and state of the art electronics were all on the plan Theo showed you. S, Theo and Nikku formed a trio, engineering the perfect body for S.

Aldryx and Tabi arrived next, Solazar absent. Aldryx explained that Agoti needed some time to rest, Sol keeping him company. Excluding Solazar, everyone else arrived shortly.

Even Radi come, though skulked in the corner silent for most of the time. This proved a bad idea as Pompom, not having formally been introduced to him, began pestering the boy with questions.

He eventually managed to ward her off, commenting to you privately that she was just like his sister. Nikusa had not come, Radi stating that she remained undecided if she would join...despite all the evidence she clearly would. You shrug it off; Nikusa was by far the most unpredictable member now.

With no set topic yet and Updike, Whitty and Carol still lagging behind, the team waited. Tess was adamant they made up and were best friends. You didn't believe it but knew you'd get the full story later.

Despite 'sulking' in a corner Radi kept near you, yourself being the only person he had actually spoken to.

Annie, Pomona, Huggy and Kapi were in a corner of the room playing some board game. Though for Huggy it meant him chewing on some game piece while not actually playing, the rules of game beyond his comprehension.

Theo sat tinkering with some gadgets as Nikku watched with upmost interest. S stayed close, hologram barking orders at the engineer.

Rosie came around earlier but departed, the Donnas needing her for something. She hadn't come back up yet, Tess also with her.

That just left you and Radi, awkwardly by the window. He just stared out into the dark alleys behind the bakery, yourself just seated on a beanbag chair.

"So, the uh, treatment's going well?" You ask, finally breaking the silence.

"I've stopped it." Radi said through the mask. You'd thought of it before but man did he remind you of Tabi...but at least Tabi's 'condition' wasn't deadly.


"I stopped it. It's better I keep my disease for the operation."

"But it works, right?"

"It does. I am in Updike's debt. I'm not as radioactive as I once was but it will be enough to kill them all." Radi said coldly.

"Well, that's good."

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