Track 22 - Flashbang, Part 1 - Setup

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"My, my. You are a remarkable creature. May I?"

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Artist: Obsqure

Song: L'affranchi

The other two operations were marred by planning, readying for external possibilities and places where it could go wrong. There was one final meeting the day before, but everyone was on the same page. There was one goal, no extras, no bonuses.

Get Agoti out of there.

A sense of urgency plagued planning. Solazar had briefly met Nikusa the night after to go over the final plans. He didn't state what they spoke about, but he seemed worried. When the idea came up to delay the operation Solazar refused. "It needs to be tomorrow. There is no changing that. Too many variables in place."

Tabi knew something was up, as did Aldryx. When it would have upset them, they knew Solazar to keep things to himself. But neither questioned it. Whatever possibility, no matter how remote gnawed at Sol, they preferred not to know.

Nikku's cold was mostly gone. She still had a few sniffles but said she was more than ready. S too, coupled with Nikku's recovery felt energized. He asked why he couldn't just modify the files to release Agoti, to which Solazar and Updike said it would raise too many questions.

"You need to understand. Even though he is being protected by Ruv his every movement is being watched. He gets released then the Family will be made aware. We cannot risk them coming after him again."

With no further questions everyone readied. After a dinner of small pies provided by Rosie, the Carnival got into position. At first the plan was for everything to start beginning at 7:00PM but S changed that. He found he could send messages to the prisoners via the guards and thus tell Ruv and Agoti when to begin.

With the meeting adjourned and dinner time over everyone got into position. Bedtime had already been called. Lights off in one hour. For Ruv it meant more reading until he physically could not. Despite the knowledge this would be his last night here he did little to indicate it, reading in silence.

Agoti was nervous. He had only been given parts of the operation and knew what his goals were. He had performed live before but for him, this was his most dangerous performance.

His mind was awash with memories, when he was abducted the first time, when he met Nikusa, when he was freed by that boy and his girlfriend, when he was arrested again.

If Ruv noticed the digidevil's anxiety he didn't care.

Agoti just paced back and forth in the cell, reaching the bookshelf, reading the titles of each book, pacing back and counting the number of bricks in the wall. He was so focused he didn't notice the guard standing at the front. With a bang the guard got both their attentions. Agoti jumped, raising his hands in defense.

"God your skittish today." The guard remarked. "Message from the warden. Said he's gotta add 10 dollars to your lunch bill. Guess you're gonna have to cut down on the food, huh?" The guard smiled.

"Acknowledged." Ruv said.

"UH, yeah, sure." Agoti nodded and sat down on his bed, trying to act normal.

"Whatever." The guard shrugged and walked off. He was expecting more disappointment.

"Are you-" Agoti started to ask but Ruv cut him off. "Yes." It was the question Agoti had been asking nonstop all day.

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