Track 10 - The Grim Morning

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"You're going to have to tell me what this is all about."

You had lost track of time. Between the full day, the devil's attack and now Tabi and Huggy's wounds you were losing mind of it all. Had it not been for Theo something would have snapped. He handed you a cup of tea. Wasn't a big fan of the stuff but it gave you something to relax. You were shivering in anxiety, no doubt some form of panic attack already occurring.

Theo readied a shovel and was prepared to bury the body until cruisers arrived. He seemed way too prepared for it all, which would have arose some bells had your nerves not been shot.

The police arrived shortly as Tabi fully lost consciousness. With Theo you hid him and Huggy in Theo's house. There was no way the cops would've understood Huggy, and you didn't trust them to not just arrest Tabi upon sight.

You were trembling, terrified Tabi wouldn't make it. Theo really pulled through and got to work. He made some comment about people being machines and being able to be patched up but it slipped you by. Regardless, with a head full of intensity, you tried to watch as he used a sewing machine on Huggy, and creating some makeshift bandages with towels.

Whether or not it stopped Tabi's bleeding you did not know.

With Theo playing doctor, you found yourself questioned by police.

They thought your fear was because of the attempted murder. They recognized you from your days and a few even said to shape up. That you were fine and you and Theo had taken out a murderer. You should've been celebrating or even heading the investigation.

They had no clue about Tabi or Huggy. It provided cover.

One of them tried to get you to call a relative, someone who could help get you to a safer place. Making up something about calling an uncle you call Displo.

No response. Just a simple "the number you are calling is currently outside the call zone". Desperate you shoot a message to S, only for it to bounce back. Wherever he was, he couldn't hear you.

Then you got a message from Displo. "The Family is coming. Run." You nearly broke down right then and there. 5 stages of grief whipping by, one answer making itself clear.

They weren't going to just pay. They would be destroyed.

With a dying goatman and monster, head full of secrets about the Family there was one last person that crossed your mind.

One who could help out.

Someone who in any other circumstance you would have never called. And it was the only person who you knew despised that Family.

It felt as if you were selling your soul and against better judgement, you called Updike.


Against your better judgement you called him. He picked up instantly, not sounding a hint tired. You explained the situation hastily, nearly panicking again as you did so. Cops watched but you fudged details, not mentioning Tabi, Huggy or Theo. You step away to your house and nearly bawl out fully explaining the situation.

And much as you didn't want to you let slip Tabi's healing power. He murmured something under his breath and then spoke clearly.

"Very well. I shall be on my way. Minimize their blood loss. Stay in a safe place."

Word must have spread about the attack on you as the chief showed up soon-after. Wearing a trench coat, he grew soft seeing an alarmed look on your face. He questioned you extensively about any what cases you were looking in, how the PI business was doing, poking and prodding. "How's your security job too?" You tried you best to stay innocent, never once mentioning Tabi, Displo or the Carnival.

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