Track 20 - Progress At Last

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"Let us begin."

With everyone that had happened you found yourself a day later in the new HQ. You explained to Updike in the morning that it would be your last day today and that the team would be using Rosie's as a base of operations. He agreed but didn't seem to care about you quitting. You would have left then but he insisted you complete today and tomorrow. Something about a payment cycle.

"Give me Rosie's number. I'll speak to her, have some agents go over and harden the place. Set up MALLEUS."


"It's our version of IRIS' TURINGS machine. We'll need it for simulations." He said, before returning to his office.

Updike kept quiet for the rest of the day, eventually departing when you did. He stepped in the elevator with you and his secretary as it whirred downwards. As he entered you noticed he now donned a black scarf. With summer still in its infancy, you were puzzled. It wasn't that cold.

"It's my civilian attire." He muttered, only raising more questions.

"I will be making my way to Nikku's safehouse, then I shall make my way to Rosie's."

"Okay. I'm just gonna go pick up Tabi and I'll head there."

"Good. I intend to make a proposal to Rosie."

"Of what?"

"To buy out her business, of course. I wish to see it brought under my banner." Updike said, sounding more like a king than he intended.

You chuckle.

"What's the matter?"

"Yeah, good luck with that. Just ask her about the crap she's been through."

"Hmph. I shall hear her story out. Be seeing you." Updike nodded and took his leave when the elevator reached the lobby.

Back home Tabi was ready to go. Apparently Aldryx had told him all sorts of things about Rosie, which he took at face value. His impressions of her weren't high, the 'goat-demon' comment hitting him closer than it looked like.

You informed Theo about the new headquarters. He was interested in the Fæ but remarked that he was still hard at work on S' car design. "As I said. I will be sitting this operation out but I assure you my presence will be seen for the next action." He added in that he was also working on some kind of secret project for S but refused to explain it.

There wasn't any opposition to your arrival this time. None of the waiters from yesterday were present and you were shown up to the room without any fanfare. The vending machine door was open, completely defeating its anonymity. A sign was taped to the front reading "FIRST MEETING OF THE CARNIVAL!" written out in bubble letters.

Tabi shook his head. "We're dealing with idiots." He remarked.

Sprites were flying about the place, tidying up and dusting while Rosie watched. They were moving fast, looking more like a lightshow than little people with wings.

 They were moving fast, looking more like a lightshow than little people with wings

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Friday Night Funkin' - Scornful SummerWhere stories live. Discover now