Chapter 1 - Return

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Louis still remembers the day he discovered who his soulmate was as clear as ice. He remembers how much pain he endured that day. He remembers it all too well.

Ever since he was a child, he had longed to meet his soulmate, had longed for the warmth and comfort only his soulmate could provide. Alas, he ended up with a soulmate who couldn't stand him.

It broke Louis's heart, shattered it. Nonetheless, he tried to persevere through it and had somewhat succeeded but it all came crashing down when he heard that Harry Styles was returning back to London. It was a shock to him. It angered him. Why would he come back?

Louis had finally began to feel better and now he had decided to come back. It seemed as if fate didn't want Louis to enjoy peace.

As if the situation wasn't appaling enough, Louis was expected to go to the Gala the Styles were hosting to welcome their son.

Their families had been feuding for what seemed like an eon but now they had decided to make it seem like the feud had ended, for good publicity. So they attended each others events and remained civil in public.

If only the media knew the truth of the matter, how much the two families still despised each other. The Styles Empire had recently attempted to halt the construction of a towering skyscraper, one that Louis's father was overseeing. Fortunately, they didn't succeed but if they had they would've cost them 50 million dollars. Yet, this news was never leaked to the press, and it never would be.

In the public eye, the two families were acquaintances. The vast wealth and influence possessed by the families had given the two families dominion
over all of London. Even the mayor of the city could not make a decision without their input.

For generations, the Styles had sought to bring about the downfall of Louis's family, even going so far as to hire the hitman who had killed his grandfather.

And yet, fate had seen fit to make the son of this despicable family Louis's soulmate. But Louis knew better than to argue with fate or try to deceive it, but his feeble-minded soulmate was a different matter altogether.

The man had thought that he could deny fate, and unfortunately, he had been succeeding in doing so for the past three years. Louis had not heard from him in all that time, and he expected that his soulmate would still give less than two fucks about him when they meet again at the Gala. It pained Louis to admit it, but his soulmate genuinely did not care for him.

He sighed, he hated how much he still cared for him, knowing that the care wasn't reciprocated. He hated that he had to attend that ludicrous gala today.

He closed his eyes, trying to think of an excuse he could give to not attend the gala, maybe he could coerce someone else to attend the event instead of him. But he knew none of that would work. It was his father's order that he had to attend that gala and he couldn't disobey
his orders.

He had a good relationship with his father but knew that there was no point in trying to get out of something he had been told to do.

No one except for Harry and Louis knew that they were soulmates. And by the way things were going no one except for them ever would, Louis thought.

He heard a knock on his bedroom door which made him open his eyes.

"Come in."

A maid, who looked to be about 40 walked in Louis's room. Another maid walked in a few seconds after the first one. She looked a bit younger than the first maid and Louis noticed that
she held a towel, bathing salts and other bathing accessories.

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