Chapter 23 - Trust

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Louis felt his car come to a halt before the imposing facade of his ancestral mansion. With a sense of urgency, he practically dashed inside, barely acknowledging the queries and curious
glances of the household staff. Ignoring their polite inquiries, he made a beeline for his room, exhaling a heavy sigh as he secured the door behind him with a decisive click.

Days had slipped by since he last set foot in his own room. His sole focus had been the bedside vigil at the hospital, unwilling to depart from his father's side.

However, the persistent entreaties of friends and family had finally worn him down, coaxing him to return
home and attend to his own well-being.

Despite the mounting pile of neglected
responsibilities-missed classes, unmet deadlines-he remained indifferent.

His uncle and aunt, consumed by a fury ignited by the incident, tirelessly pursued Desmond and Anne Styles, their anger palpable. Curiously, they excluded Harry from their relentless
search, a decision Louis lacked the fortitude to question.

The weight of it all crushed him, rendering him too feeble to inquire about their strategy or delve into the darkness that lurked within his own family.

Weakness consumed him, leaving him incapable of comprehending the depths of his family's secrets and the lengths to which they would go. Despite his reluctance, he couldn't deny the
traces of their traits embedded within him, a chilling realization that sent a shiver down his spine as he relived the harrowing moment.

The mere thought of aiming a gun at another human being had been inconceivable to him until that fateful event.

Misery and confusion swirled around him like a suffocating fog, engulfing him in its suffocating embrace. Despite the constant stream of concerned calls from his cousin, as well as the reassuring words from Liam, Natalie, Zayn and Niall an overwhelming sense of loneliness pervaded his being.

Louis made a beeline for his nest, which was attached to his room. Once a mere closet designated for his childhood toys, he had meticulously transformed the space into a haven of
comfort over the years.

Stepping inside, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, the familiar scent of the chamber evoking memories of simpler times.

Nestling into the plush cocoon of his nest, Louis secured the door behind him, shutting out the world beyond. He settled into his sanctionary of soft cushions, blankets, and an assortment of hoodies-his own and a few belonging to Harry. Each one carried a trace of his alpha's scent.

As he buried himself amidst the familiar warmth, a pang of longing seized his heart, the ache of missing Harry overwhelming. It frustrated him to no end, the intensity of his emotions catching him off guard.

Louis couldn't shake the feeling of incompleteness, the absence of his alpha leaving a void he struggled to fill.

Why was his omega such a fucking idiot?

Louis thought he had figured Harry out, thought Harry wasn't an enigma to him anymore but he had been wrong.

Harry would always be two steps ahead of him, it seemed and Louis hated that. Louis hated Harry. He did. He really did. He hated him. Wanted to strangle him.

But Louis's omega had unwavering faith in Harry. Despite the accusations and suspicions that clouded his mind, a part of him couldn't shake the nagging doubt-the possibility that Harry
might indeed be innocent.

Yet, even if Harry hadn't pulled the trigger, he would have knowledge of the plan, right?

But as he contemplated more and more, chilling realization dawned upon him. If Harry truly had no knowledge of the plan, if he stood innocent in the eyes of their tumultuous reality, then what did that make Louis?

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