Chapter 6 - Reverie and Provocation

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Louis stood in an art gallery, clad in a sleek black suit, his hands resting gracefully behind his back as he fixed his gaze upon a specific piece. It wasn't his usual inclination to linger over artwork or delve too deeply into analysis, yet the artwork before him held a captivating allure. This particular piece had enticed him, prompting him to pay it more attention than he normally would.

The desire to visit this gallery had been brewing within him for some time, and now, having finally secured a respite from his work commitments, he had chosen to indulge that longing. He had been overseeing his father's company for just a week, he found immense satisfaction in the role despite the demanding nature of the position but he was still glad to be out of the work environment for awhile and enjoy solace.

The gallery Louis found himself in had only recently unveiled its doors to the public. The interior was embellished with dazzling chandeliers and opulent golden accents, laying claim to the title of the most luxurious gallery in the entire city.

Memories of a past visit to another art gallery, the Renaissance Reverie, had resurfaced in Louis's mind. It was there that he encountered a striking painting: a portrayal of two hands, one marked by blood on the left side of the frame, tenderly offering a bouquet of flowers to the other hand positioned on the right. The backdrop was a harmonious blend of exquisite pastel shades, evoking the hues of a serene sunset.

In that moment, he had interpreted the artwork as a testament to a lover's extraordinary commitment, where the act of presenting flowers transcended physical wounds. The gesture symbolized an unwavering declaration of affection despite personal pain. The emotional resonance of the painting had deeply moved him, prompting him to vow to revisit the gallery with his mate. Needless to say he hadn't set
foot in that gallery since. He didn't think he ever would.

The painting he currently gazed upon evoked memories of the one he had encountered at the age of 16. This reminiscence was the driving force behind his unyielding fixation on the current painting. Similar to the prior artwork, the present piece also featured two hands.

However, the left hand was mostly obscured, with only the fingertip edges visible. In this piece, it was the right hand that bore the depiction of blood. Ironically, the two paintings were incredibly similar yet completely opposite. In stark contrast to a serene sunset, the backdrop deviated significantly, characterized by dark, stormy blue hues. There was a notable absence of flowers in this scene.

In the entirety of his life, he had encountered only two artworks that had managed to halt him in his tracks. These two pieces of art held that distinction exclusively.

Louis found himself grappling with uncertainty, unsure if what he was witnessing was a blatant case of plagiarism or perhaps a malicious prank targeted directly at him. Another
possibility lingered: were both artworks crafted by the same artist? Could this artist too have transcended the constraints of naivety, much like Louis had? He was in a reverie. He released a sigh, a mixture of contemplation and resignation filling the air.

A tingling sensation coursed through Louis's bondmark, prompting him to avert his gaze from the painting. The bondmark hadn't stirred since the meeting, leaving Louis perplexed by this sudden response. Louis remained wholly mystified by the meaning behind the signals the bondmark conveyed.

In an unexpected turn of events, Louis saw Liam approaching him from the corner, a warm smile adorning his features. A reciprocal smile graced Louis's lips as well. While they had exchanged a few text messages since their meeting at the Gala, this marked their first inperson rendezvous since that night.

"Hello, Louis!" Liam exclaimed as he positioned himself beside Louis.

"Hello! What a delightful surprise to find you here! How are you?" Louis responded with evident joy.

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