Chapter 2 - jealousy, jealousy

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The car came to a halt outside the gates of the Style's mansion, and Louis braced himself for what was to come. The paparazzi had gathered in droves, eager to catch a glimpse of the high-profile guests that would be attending the event.

As he stepped out of the car, a sea of flashing lights greeted him. Guards quickly surrounded him, shielding him from the onslaught of questions that the paparazzi hurled at him.

"Mr. Tomlinson, look here!" they shouted. "Mr. Tomlinson, are you and the Styles good friends now?" "Mr. Tomlinson, do you have any comments on what the BBC said about your family?"

Amidst the chaos, Louis managed to look at the cameras once, smiling slightly, instantly looking away. The paparazzis begged him to look again but he refused to engage with the paparazzi any further. He walked through the gate and into the sprawling gardens that surrounded the mansion. The lush greenery was a sight to behold, they were quite similar to the gardens outside of his mansion.

As Louis made his way into the mansion, the scent of expensive alcohol and food filled his nostrils. Waiters bustled about the hall, carrying trays of appetizers and drinks. The crowd of London's elite society was present, with at least one member of every high-profile family in attendance. The hall was filled with Hollywood's elite actors and actresses, all dressed in
garments that cost more than what the average person made in a year. But Louis was no stranger to this opulent lifestyle, and the sight of such extravagance did little to impress him.

Louis didn't really like any of the people present. To be fair, he didn't know much about any of them. He usually saw them at gatherings like these and turned down every chance of conversation that any of them tried to initiate.

The memories of his last encounter with Harry Styles at this very godforsaken mansion began to flood his mind, but he pushed them down and forced a smile. He walked towards the center of the hall, scanning the crowd for any sign of Harry. He breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see him. Maybe the gods would be kind to him for once and would let him enjoy the
event without seeing that imbecile.

As he made his way deeper into the mansion, a waiter approached him with a tray of champagne flutes. Louis accepted the glass, knowing all too well that he couldn't endure the night without some sort of alcohol in his system. He sipped it, the bubbles tickling his nose. It was the Moët & Chandon Imperial Vintage, a decent choice, but not his favorite. He would have preferred the Champagne brut Goût de Diamant, any decent person would've preferred that, he thought. But the family in question was far from decent, in Louis's opinion anyway.

As Louis made his way through the sea of guests, he caught sight of Gemma Styles conversing with a blonde man. Though he recognized the man's face, he couldn't quite place him. Louis knew he had to make an effort to speak to one of the Styles family members, to ensure that they knew he had attended the gathering. He had spoken to Gemma at the last event, and she was his best bet once again. He preferred Gemma to the rest of the Styles. She seemed less evil.

With a half-empty champagne glass in hand, Louis made his way over to Gemma and the blonde man, who both turned to look at him as he approached. "Hello, Ms. Styles. It's a pleasure to see you again," Louis spoke confidently, his voice as smooth as silk but with a hint of hostility.

He was acutely aware of his surroundings and chose his words carefully, knowing that any misstep could be disastrous in the company he was in.

Gemma's eyes scanned him up and down. "Mr. Tomlinson, it is always a delight to see you. I am pleased that you could attend this evening's festivities," she said, her tone reserved but polite nonetheless.

Louis nodded at her before turning to the blonde man standing beside her, "And it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well," he said, extending his hand.

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