Chapter 13 - Autmn

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As October dawned, the winds of autumn swirled around Louis. He watched the season shift right before his eyes but remained frozen in silent observation.

For the past couple of weeks, ever since Harry had shown up at his doorstep professing his love, Louis's life had been in turmoil. He was locked in an internal battle; one part of him vehemently avoiding any contact with Harry, while the other part yearning to see him immediately, as if his very existence depended on it.

Louis strolled through the hallowed grounds of Oxford University, cradling a cup of piping hot tea in his hand, its comforting warmth a shield against the encroaching chill of the air. He had surrendered to the season's demand for cozy sweaters, donning a captivating blue one that accentuated his mesmerizing eyes, a dainty bracelet adding a touch of grace to his ensemble.

The path was adorned with a tapestry of orange leaves, a vivid reminder of the enchanting transformation that Autumn unfurled upon Oxford University. Louis, a fervent admirer of this season, found himself irresistibly drawn to its allure.

His academic obligations for the day
had drawn to a close, allowing him to succumb to the temptation of a serene bench, where he could leisurely savor his tea and bask in the autumnal splendor that enveloped the campus.

Beneath his feet, the crisp leaves surrendered to a gentle crunch before he settled on the bench, gently placing his bag by his side. Louis leaned back and indulged in a long, satisfying sip of his tea, the world fading away as he closed his eyes, lost in the moment.

Louis couldn't deny that he longed for the familiar scent of Harry. It was a yearning he wished he could suppress, but it proved impossible. In the past, he had painted Harry as an unfeeling figure, thinking of him as if he was a tyrant making it simpler to endure his absence. Yet, now that he had glimpsed the affectionate side of Harry, the torment was inescapable.

The contrast between then and now made his heart ache with conflicted
emotions. It was torturous, really.

In his desperate attempt to divert his thoughts from Harry, Louis had resorted to incessantly reaching out to various people in his life. He bombarded his father, Liam, his aunt, his uncle, Christian, Zayn and even Anastasia with a barrage of texts and calls, seeking solace in them.

As the ache of Harry's absence continued to gnaw at his heart, Louis couldn't help but unconsciously pout, a testament to the complex mix of emotions he was wrestling with. His anger towards the alpha remained strong, yet an undeniable longing for Harry had crept into his soul. It had been nearly two weeks since Harry's unexpected visit and a full month since their bitter dispute. The passage of time, marked by 30 days, 4 weeks, and 28 long, turbulent days, left Louis sighing in frustration and yearning.

Despite his efforts to evade the issue, every train of thought ultimately circled back to Harry. Louis hadn't taken the time to contemplate his next steps, and what would happen next in their relationship.

It caused him too much confusion and he had been avoiding the topic. Yet, Harry remained an inescapable presence in his mind.

So far, Harry had been honouring Louis' wishes of being left alone and Louis was glad that he was giving him his space.

As Louis savored another sip of his tea, he felt a gentle, fluffy presence brushing against his feet. Looking down, he discovered a ginger cat cuddling his legs, its abandonment evident in its eyes. Compassion welled up within him at the sight of the abandoned kitty.

"Hello there!" Louis greeted with a warm smile. In response, the cat emitted a soft 'meow' and snuggled closer to Louis' legs, eliciting a playful giggle from him.

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