Chapter 5 - Unconsciously?

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In the opulent confines of the VIP bar, Louis found himself entangled in a tumult of emotions. Only physically present among Harry and his friends, he was a mere shadow of himself, mentally slipping into a spiraling abyss of insanity. The unexpected encounter with Niall earlier that day had opened a Pandora's box of unresolved emotions, leaving him vulnerable and restless as Niall had gone on and on about the events of last night which had made Louis re-live the cruelty of the night before.

Niall's inquiry about his unexplained departure from the night before had forced Louis to come up with a flimsy excuse, attempting to shield himself from the penetrating scrutiny of those concerned blue eyes. Sometime later, Niall had texted Louis, as they had exchanged numbers and invited him to go to a club with him and Louis had foolishly agreed.

As fate would have it, Niall's invitation to join his "friends" at the bar unwittingly led Louis to a face-to-face confrontation with Harry. The proximity to the cause of his distress intensified his turmoil, pushing him to the edge of his emotional capacity. Louis was still angry at himself for not realising that Harry would obviously be included in Niall's group of friends as the two had seemed very close at the Gala.

Desperate for solace, he accepted a drink offered by an anonymous hand, seeking respite from the chaos within. However, the numbing effect of the alcohol couldn't ease the weight of his conflicted feelings, nor could it distance him from the presence of Harry.

In the midst of the unease, Gigi, Zayn's girlfriend, ventured to engage with Louis, her interest undoubtedly well-intended but inadvertently adding to his discomfort. Graciousness prevailed, and Louis responded with polite but distant charm.

Seated at a cautious distance from Harry, the chasm between them seemed unbridgeable, yet the tension was palpable. Desiring to charm the people he was surrounded with, Louis halfheartedly joined the ongoing conversation, striving to participate with some semblance of normalcy. Drawing upon the frayed remains of his wit, he mustered a joke in response to Niall's remark, eliciting laughter from the group, everyone except Harry laughed.

Louis harbored an urge to provoke Harry, to elicit any reaction that could alleviate the overwhelming sense of powerlessness he felt. He wanted to anger Harry, to get back at him.

He was left humiliated the night before. He had wanted to scream at Harry then, to do something that would hurt Harry, but Harry had left before Louis got the chance to strangle him.

He was ashamed to admit that even now, even after the chaos that ensued last night, Louis loved the hints of Harry's scent that floated in the air. He hated himself for that. But he hated Harry more. And why should he not? All of this was Harry's fault after all.

The groups conversation went fleeting with everyone laughing and joking around, none of them noticing the fake laughter emitted by Harry and Louis.

Louis had drank a couple more
glasses of alcohol after his first. Safe to way, he was getting a little dizzy.

Suddenly Sara exclaimed an "oh god!" and an eyeroll.

"What?" Someone said and Sara patted Harry's arm, "that omega has been starring at you for hours now, god. It's unbelievably irritating. Everytime I look over, there she is with her googly eyes." Sara replied and everyone laughed. Louis wanted to light himself on fire but that was besides the point.

"Oh that is not true!" Harry replied but everyone quickly sided with Sara, agreeing and laughing.

"Maybe you should pick her up tonight so we'd all be saved from your annoying drunk self." Mitch quip in.

"Oh he will." Zayn said, humourously making everyone laugh.

Louis's stomach twisted. He felt sick. His omega could not take this right now. Frankly, Louis didn't deserve this. He quickly stood up, making everyone look at him.

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