Chapter 15 - The Boquet

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It was Monday morning and Louis had to face the dreadful consequences of his actions. He hadn't completed any of his assignments, prioritizing sleep over academical excellence.

With the clock mercilessly ticking towards the 12 PM deadline, the current hour standing at 10 AM, he now faced the haunting reality within the hallowed halls of the university library.

It was actual hell. A brief respite came in the form of a uni friend who lent aid with two assignments, but she had to leave as she had a class to attend. All his other uni friends were busy completing their own assignments as Monday was a common deadline.

Amid the library's dim ambiance, Louis' phone stirred with vibrations. Glancing at the screen, he discerned the familiar caller ID-Harry. A surge of relief enveloped him; the yearning to reset and rebuild trust with Harry resonated deeply. He was quite rateful for Harry's attempt to demonstrate his worthiness of forgiveness, Louis sighed and answered the call.

"Hello," Harry's voice resonated gently.

"Hi," Louis replied.

"How are you? Where are you at?" Harry inquired.

"My fucking limit," Louis groaned, his statement somehow answered both of Harry's questions.

"What? Why?" Harry chuckled lightly.

"I have an assignment to complete. I was given a week to finish it, now I only have two hours," Louis whined.

"Ahhh, cannot relate. Finished uni early and all," Harry playfully teased, adding a touch of lightness to the weight of Louis' academic struggle.

"Shut up. What do you want?" Louis whined.

"Alright," Harry said amused, "I just called to ask if you would be free this Friday."

Louis swiftly consulted his class schedule, relieved to discover his Friday was unexpectedly unclaimed.

"I am, actually. Why?" Louis asked, curiosity tinged with a hint of anticipation.

"That's great, and don't worry about it," Harry replied.

"Tell me," Louis demanded.

"That would take the fun out of it. Just be ready by 4 on Friday. I'll pick you up," Harry

"Okay. But it better be good or I'm punching you for wasting my time," Louis threatened playfully.

"It will be, I promise," Harry assured.

"Hmmm," Louis hummed and abruptly ended the call. Sweet goodbyes were a luxury he couldn't afford in his current state of overwhelming stress.

Taking a deep breath, he refocused on his laptop, typing away, determined to tackle the mounting academic challenges before


Louis groaned as he collapsed onto his couch. The assignment, mercifully completed and submitted on time, highlighted the need to curb his procrastination habits.

Exhausted, all he craved now was a rejuvenating nap. A distant sound echoed through the room, possibly the mischievous antics of his pet mochi or the ominous presence of a ghost plotting his demise- confirmation could wait for another time.

Snuggling into a cozy quilt neatly folded at the edge of the couch, Louis surrendered to the allure of a much-needed respite.
Curled up on the couch, Louis pondered the mystery of where Harry might take him that Friday.

The anticipation mingled with a hope for genuine enjoyment. His gaze drifted to the vase atop the living room shelf, cradling blue hydrangeas that Harry had brought him.

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