Chapter 7 - Fata viam invenient

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Harry awoke from the most serene sleep he had ever experienced. As he opened his eyes, he remained still, refraining from any movement. He thought back to the day before. The inner turmoil he had long felt had finally ceased, as he had marked Louis.

His wolf also found contentment in the likelihood that Louis would now keep his distance from Liam, following Harry's command. He was confident in Louis' obedience to the directive.

Louis had displayed such compliance and submissiveness. However, Harry that recognized he should cease
entertaining such thoughts, as they stirred arousal that he could not act upon.

While the internal turmoil of experiencing jealousy over his mate had subsided, a new turmoil had taken its place. Did he truly care for Louis? Harry promptly defended himself against this unsettling idea and vehemently rejected the notion. No, he insisted, he did not care for Louis in that way.

He attributed everything that had transpired the previous day to his prolonged agitation. It was his wolf's response, not his own. He was resolute in not surrendering completely to these feelings. The idea of publicly acknowledging his and Louis'
status as mates was inconceivable to him.

All that had occurred before was purely instinctual. Yes, he concluded, it was solely instinct at play.

Certainly, Harry experienced a sense of sympathy towards Louis, but it didn't extend beyond that emotion. He genuinely felt nothing further. The mere thought of his son feeling only sympathy for a Tomlinson would likely send his father into a coma, let alone the idea of something deeper. His instincts were the catalyst for the events of the previous day, nothing

He might deny it, yet he had been perceiving through their bond that Louis had become more composed since the previous day. Usually, he would sense Louis' emotions as being overwhelmed or melancholic, but today he detected a sense of happiness. This sensation was positive, inducing a feeling of tranquility within his wolf, as it reassured them that their mate was content.

Harry ran a hand through his hair. He anticipated having to engage with Louis on a business matter only once or twice before Louis's father returned. Harry couldn't quite determine whether he felt relieved by this prospect or not.

His schedule for the day was relatively light since the collaboration had been successfully arranged, with only the signing of a few legal documents left to be prepared in the coming days. Harry found himself with a substantial amount of free time. He had assigned tasks related to the collaboration to his employees, setting a deadline of Thursday.

As it was currently Tuesday, he had a considerable amount of freedom on his hands. But only today, he'd have to check in on the office tomorrow.

His phone emitted a ping, prompting him to pick it up. The notification was from Zayn, asking to meet up. Harry let out a sigh.

Zayn had persistently been seeking the truth from Harry ever since the rooftop incident nearly a month prior. Harry had been purposefully avoiding addressing Zayn's inquiries during that time. However, he couldn't indefinitely avoid meeting with his friend. He had to meet him.

It was approximately noon, around 12 P.M. It was evident that Harry had experienced an exceptionally satisfying sleep. After enduring weeks of brief and restless rest, the sensation of finally enjoying a substantial and undisturbed sleep was truly remarkable. Harry came to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to get out of bed and eat something.

Harry got dressed and descended the stairs, feeling a sense of relief upon discovering that the area was unoccupied. Regrettably, by the time he had completed his breakfast, his mother had made an appearance. In an attempt to avoid conversing with her, he endeavored to slip away from the dining room and head unnoticed to the upper floor where his room was situated.

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