Chapter 14 - Don't Eat My Cat

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Three days ago, Louis received a phone call from Zayn, who spoke about his conversation with Harry. Although Zayn didn't divulge all the intricate details, he assured Louis of one undeniable fact - Harry's profound remorse and sincere love for him.

This revelation provided immense solace to Louis. Since the moment Harry had professed his love, Louis had been spiraling into a relentless abyss of doubt, questioning the authenticity of Harry's words.

Despite his nagging uncertainties, Louis placed unwavering trust in Zayn. He couldn't help but admire Zayn's
remarkable ability to decipher people.

When Zayn solemnly promised Louis that Harry's love was indeed genuine, a heavy burden was lifted from his shoulders, leaving behind a poignant sense of relief.

Louis missed Harry. The once-rigid "space rule" that he had imposed upon himself now seemed to waver, its foundations shaken by Zayn's revelations.

Occasionally, through their bondmark, Louis experienced a peculiar sensation. It was an enigmatic tingle, not painful at all. Inquisitive, Louis sought answers and consulted Anastasia.

She confirmed that this sensation was a sign of Harry's thoughts and worries, as he attempted to shield his pain from reaching Louis.

This newfound knowledge further softened Louis's heart, deepening the complexity of his emotions.

At that moment, Louis found himself seated in his room, hunched over his laptop, immersed in a whirlwind of assignments. The weekend had arrived, but he had two looming deadlines set for Monday, leaving him with no choice but to dedicate his time to the task at hand.

Meanwhile, his cat, affectionately named Mochi, roamed freely throughout the apartment, engaging in its own mysterious feline pursuits. Louis couldn't help but steal a glance at his furry companion, who seemed to be in a world of its own.

Louis' concentration was broken by the unexpected chime of his doorbell, leaving him perplexed. Considering it was lunchtime on a weekend and most of his university friends were undoubtedly occupied, he couldn't fathom who might be visiting.

Only moments ago, he had spoken with Liam, who was also tied up with his own commitments. The mystery of the
visitor left Louis wondering as he headed to the door to unravel the enigma.

Louis rose from his seat and made his way to the main door of his apartment.

As Louis swung open the door, his eyes widened in sheer astonishment, for there, in the doorway, stood none other than Harry.

A mix of surprise and a rush of emotions flooded over Louis as he beheld the unexpected sight of Harry.

In front of Louis stood Harry, holding a stunning bouquet of blue hydrangeas that immediately caught Louis' attention.

Harry, true to form, radiated an undeniable charisma with his long, tousled hair and his signature white silk shirt paired with sleek black dress pants.

His attire was accentuated by the subtle glint of rings adorning his fingers and a stylish wristwatch that added to his already dashing appearance. The sight of Harry, accompanied by the lovely bouquet, left Louis in awe.

Both Louis and his inner wolf couldn't contain their emotions. A radiant smile broke across Louis' face, reflecting his elation, and Harry responded with an even larger grin, revealing his charming dimples.

"Hi," Harry said, breaking the silence.

"Hello," Louis replied, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and relief.

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