Chapter 11 - Am I not even worth your pity, alpha?

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Louis was enveloped in an overwhelming sense of elation. He was finally about to start his last year of university. His father, always arranged a reunion or party before Louis went back to university and this year was no different.

In attendance of the celebration were his aunt, Marjorie Tomlinson and uncle, Nathaniel Tomlinson, both stemming from his father's side of the family. These two individuals not only shared the Tomlinson name but also shouldered the responsibility of managing several family enterprises, for the Tomlinsons were known for their vast business empire. Yet, at the helm of this impressive commercial domain, stood his father, the patriarch of the family.

The guest list for this festive occasion was extensive, and it included the Styles family, a fact that filled Louis with immense joy. His week had been marked by a notable absence of Harry, owing to their respective demanding schedules. As the day unfolded, Louis found himself basking in the warmth of happiness and contentment.

In the present moment, he found himself nervously traversing the expanse of his living room, anticipation coursing through his veins. The imminent arrival of his aunt and uncle stirred an eager excitement within him, originally they were supposed to arrive tomorrow morning as the gala starts at tomorrow evening but he had, through a combination of subtle persuasion and emotional appeal, successfully enticed them to advance their planned visit by a day.

His father had gone to pick them up from the airport about thirty minutes ago and Louis had had enough of waiting. This familial gathering held special significance, as the Tomlinsons were seldom able to convene outside of traditional holiday seasons. Given the bustling nature of their lives, family gatherings outside of holidays remained a rarity. The intricacies of their multifaceted business ventures dispersed them across the globe.

His aunt resided in the bustling heart of New York, diligently overseeing their business interests in that thriving metropolis, while his uncle, situated in the romantic ambiance of Paris, directed the family's enterprises there. Meanwhile, the primary hub of their commercial empire remained under the astute management of his father here in London. Thus, their infrequent gatherings added a layer of significance to this impending reunion.

This geographical dispersion rendered their interactions infrequent, and despite occasional phone calls over the past month, those conversations had been regrettably brief, leaving Louis yearning for more meaningful and substantial moments of connection.

The entire day had been marked by an incessant anticipation, as he eagerly awaited their arrival. The excitement within him had swelled to a point where he felt as though he might burst at any moment.

A sudden sound of approaching footsteps brought his ceaseless pacing to an abrupt halt. In an instant, an expansive and radiant smile graced his countenance as he beheld the arrival of his cherished aunt, uncle,his cousin, Christian and his father standing beside them.

"Oh my God!" he exclaimed exuberantly before dashing towards them and enveloping his uncle in a warm, heartfelt embrace, a moment that elicited laughter from all.

"Well, it's quite clear that someone can't contain their excitement," his aunt chimed in, her face adorned with an affectionate smile.

After a while, Louis relinquished his hold on his uncle and proceeded to embrace his aunt, uttering softly, "You have no idea," his words tinged with a depth of emotion.

Finally, Louis embraced his cousin with an earnestness that conveyed the deep bond they shared. Christian, an alpha exuding strength and a robust stature, reciprocated the hug with the same warmth. The connection between Louis and Christian was a profound one, marked by their attachment to each other. Christian, in particular, held a protective vigil over his cousin.

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