Chapter 9 - Clandestine meetings and longing stares

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Louis had been enjoying a state of euphoria over the course of the last three days. Life had become an idyllic haven, marked by peaceful slumbers and an unprecedented peace with his inner wolf.

The last time him and his wolf were on good terms was when he was a pup, so
this was a really good sign.

Him scenting Harry still felt surreal. To say that Louis was still grappling with the reality of it all would be an understatement; merely a month ago, the idea would have been swiftly dismissed as the product of a fanciful imagination. Yet, Louis had always clung to a steadfast belief in the inexorable workings of fate, and now it appeared that destiny had unveiled its grand design. Louis had been feeling incredibly optimistic about his situation with Harry.

A part of him was still wary but it was alot better than before.

Laying in the comfort of his bed, Louis found peace in the gentle caress of the soft morning light, filtering through the open window. Golden rays of sunlight played fell upon his face, casting a warm, amber hue upon his visage. His tousled brown hair glimmered like a cascade of spun silk under the sunlight, a testament to the sun's tender artistry.

Despite the pressing urgency of the Styles family's impending gala, an event that Louis deemed both vexatious and superfluous, an overwhelming drowsiness clung to him. With a languid sigh, he succumbed to the siren call of slumber, yielding to the seductive allure of five more precious minutes of sleep. He cuddled further into his soft pillow and blankets. He enjoyed three full minutes of peace then Louis heard a knock at his door.

"YOU'RE STILL IN BED!" Anastasia's voice reached a pitch that could rival a fire alarm, both the door and her mouth hanging open in disbelief at Louis's laziness.

Louis, trapped in a timeless battle of wits with the formidable Anastasia, currently found himself leaning towards the "hate" side of their love-hate relationship.

He clung to the remnants of his drowsiness with exaggerated determination, keeping his eyes shut, ignoring Anastasia and pretending to be the world's most dedicated napper.

Anastasia, unrelenting in her mission, took a decisive step into Louis's domain. Her command was clear, "You need to get up."

Louis, clearly not ready to part ways with his cozy cocoon, let out a dramatic groan, burrowing deeper into his bedcovers. "Please," he pleaded, hoping for a moment's reprieve.

But Anastasia was having none of it. Her response was a firm, "No."

Louis cracked an eye open and sighed with mock exasperation, "You're supposed to listen to me, not boss me around."

With a masterfully stoic expression, Anastasia delivered her deadpan retort, "No, it's the exact opposite. Your father pays me to boss you around."

The stalemate was evident, leaving Louis to ponder the unfairness of the universe from beneath his blankets. Louis finally gave in to Anastasia's persistence, sitting up in bed and surrendering to her unwavering gaze.

In truth, he couldn't deny that he had a secret desire to attend the charity gala as well. Despite the prospect of it being unbearably tedious, the chance to see Harry again held a magnetic allure. Not to mention the fun he'd have catching up with Niall and Liam.

Of course, there was the inevitable onslaught of speeches and feigned empathy to endure, but he grudgingly acknowledged that attending and making a donation was, in the end, a noble cause. As for why the Styles family didn't simply email a donation link, that was a mystery even Louis couldn't fathom. After all, the Styles family had their own brand of peculiar quirks that defied explanation.

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