Chapter 16 - You Swine!

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Two weeks had passed since Harry and Louis's last meeting in the garden. Despite their hectic schedules filled with numerous meetings for Harry and a pile of assignments for Louis, they managed to stay connected.

They spoke on the phone every other day and exchanged texts daily. Despite their longing for another date, conflicting schedules made it challenging.

However, Harry did make time to visit Louis's apartment once in awhile, spending 2-3 hours there to just see and spend time with Louis and to calm Louis's nerves about presentations and deadlines.

Harry was presently immersed in a soothing shower within his apartment. He had extended an invitation to Zayn and Niall for a Friday night escapade to a bar.

When they had night outs, they'd gather at a friends house and then go to bar from there and this time they had chose Harry's apartment for congregating. The trio, weary from their hectic schedules, alleviate their fatigue through a night of drinks.

In the shower, Harry embraced complete relaxation, basking in the warmth and letting his nerves unwind.

After wrapping up the shower, he grabbed a towel, dried off, and strolled into the spacious dressing room linked to the bathroom.  The whole setup seamlessly connected to his main bedroom.

Opting for a pair of jeans, he was looking around in his closet for a shirt but remembered the hoodie he knew he had casually strewn across his bed. He had worn it yesterday and without bothering to neatly return it to the closet had thrown it on his bed, deciding to wear that hoodie, he closed his closet door, and made his way into the bedroom, shirtless.

It slipped his mind that he had given Niall and Zayn a spare key to his place. He also forgot that betas could be sneaky and he also failed to remember that his lifelong friends lacked any sense of decency or respect for personal space, having been buddies since childhood.

Entering the main area of his bedroom, a sudden gasp grabbed his attention, and his head swiveled to find Niall sprawled on a couch. Utter confusion reigned for a brief five seconds until it dawned on him—he was shirtless. The mark. That darn mark.

Niall's eyes widened to the size of saucers, his face frozen in a state of shock that rivaled witnessing a horror movie plot twist. What was once a casual lounging position transformed into an upright, alarmed posture on the couch.

Mutual bafflement held Harry and Niall in a suspended gaze, and Harry, attempting to diffuse the situation, vigorously shook his head.

"Noooo!" Niall gasped, the exclamation bursting forth with the dramatic intensity of a soap opera revelation.

"Niall," Harry started to coax, but before he could delve into an explanation, Niall erupted like a one-man theatrical performance.

"No! You! And him! Louis! Louis William Tomlinson!" Niall proclaimed with the flair of a Shakespearean actor, his arms gesturing wildly.

"I can explain," Harry attempted to interject, but Niall, continuing his dramatic monologue, wasn't having any of it.

"Can you?! Oh my God!" Niall exclaimed.

Adding to the unfolding drama, Zayn casually sauntered into the apartment, eyebrows furrowing at the escalating sounds emanating from Harry's bedroom.

After a moment of contemplation, concluding that the odds of Harry and Niall engaging in anything beyond a
heated argument were higher than a romance novel plot twist, Zayn entered the room.

Thankfully, he found both of them fully clothed and strategically distanced.

Zayn, blissfully unaware of the proverbial elephant in the room, chimed in, "Thank god. You have no idea what kind of impression hearing Niall yell 'oh my god' gives someone standing outside."

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