Chapter 10 - Cigarette Drags and Brags

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Harry found himself wondering why, in the presence of Louis William Tomlinson, he felt like a mere candle, helpless against the all-consuming flame that was Louis. The way he melted, both figuratively and literally, whenever Louis graced his world with his presence was a subject worthy of scholarly inquiry.

With a heavy heart and a deep sigh, Harry abruptly closed his laptop. He rose from his chair, his eyes fixated on the glass door that separated his office from the balcony beyond. London's typical gloomy ambiance, marked by brooding dark clouds, seemed to reflect the storm raging within him.

With a sense of resignation, Harry retrieved a pack of cigarettes from his desk drawer. He walked out onto the expansive balcony of his opulent skyscraper, perched high above the
bustling streets of London. From this vantage point, he felt as though he could reach out and touch the very clouds that hung low in the overcast sky. Gazing downward, he observed the teeming city below, a microcosm of diverse lives in motion. Harry took a drag from his cigarette.

Amidst the tendrils of swirling smoke and the distant hum of the city, Harry wrestled with a question that had plagued him for far too long.

What was Louis Tomlinson to him?

He drew another drag from his cigarette, the ember casting an orange glow as he closed his eyes, deep in contemplation.

The inexplicable intensity of his emotions when in Louis' presence weighed heavily on his mind. The way Louis' laughter and smiles could fill him with a sense of happiness and contentment left him bewildered. Could it be the soulmate bond, a connection he had fought to ignore, particularly during his time in America?

The thought of flying back across the
ocean once again to escape these emotions crossed his mind, but it was quickly dismissed.

The mere idea of being separated from Louis, even for a week, felt unbearable.
Harry's heart, once resolute in its independence, had been ensnared by Louis in a way he couldn't fully comprehend.

Time seemed to drag on since their last encounter, yet Harry's mind remained a ceaseless carousel of thoughts, each one revolving around Louis. Those captivating blue eyes, glistening like polished sapphires, held a magnetic power over his thoughts. He found himself replaying the echoes of Louis' laughter in his mind, the very sound that had the ability to command him to "shut up" in a way that both amused and enthralled him.

But it was the memory of Louis with a flower tucked behind his ear that haunted him the most. The image of Louis, with that delicate bloom nestled in his hair, brought a warmth to Harry's heart that defied explanation. He couldn't help but notice every detail, down to the adorable curve of Louis' nose - a feature he had never thought to describe as "cute." Noses, after all, were just noses, utilitarian and unremarkable by nature. Yet, here he was, contemplating the cuteness of Louis Tomlinson's nose.

Was he slowly descending into madness, or had Louis simply unearthed a side of him he never knew existed?

He took another drag of the cigarette.
The memory of that fateful night, a night that time had failed to erase, crept back into Harry's consciousness like an unwelcome specter. Every intricate detail, despite his best efforts to banish them, remained etched in his mind, vivid and inescapable.

"But we're destined to be."

Louis' words, uttered with an unwavering conviction, had been a haunting refrain in Harry's life for three long years. It was a sentence that seemed eternally etched in his soul, a declaration that should be engraved upon his very tombstone.

Harry couldn't help but recall the tumultuous storm of emotions that had engulfed him on that night of revelation. The confusion that had gripped his heart, the overpowering sense of protectiveness over Louis that had surged within him, and the undeniable, primal urge to claim Louis as his own, to mark him.

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