Chapter 5

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It was raining. She has no umbrella and she doesn't drive. She just want to get home and forget that the outside life exist.

She just hope it doesn't rain heavier or else she would have to get a hotel. She don't want to.

"Ms. Herman."

Kallia turn sideways as her boss and assistant step up beside her.


"Someone picking you up?"

"No. I have to go to the bus stop."

"I can drop you off if you like."

"I don't want to be a bother but thank you."


"It's OK Mr. Black."

"Aurelio did I asked her to come?"

"No boss."

"I was telling you Ms. Herman."

"I appreciate the thought but I'm OK."

Sirius shake his head. Bending slightly he lift her over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?"she shrieked.

"Taking you."

Aurelio open the umbrella with a smile on his face. He was liking the new side of Sirius even though its only around Kallia.

They walk to the car and Kallia scream every curse word under the sun at Sirius. She forget he was her boss for a moment.

When she do remember it was too late. She already call him the worst names possible.

He get in the car and set her on the seat. "A lady don't curse."

"A gentleman don't kidnapp women."

"You're the first."

"I'm honored." Aurelio turn his head as a smile threatened to make an appearance. They were the perfect combination.

"Your sarcastic comments aren't going to get you anywhere. Aurelio give the driver her address."

"How do you know my address?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

Kallia narrow her eyes at him. What is he getting at?


"I like living."

"I don't poison women. I poison men who cross me."

The look on her face was Oscar worthy.

She look at Aurelio and asked, "He's not serious is he?"

"He don't joke. He doesn't know what that is."

Kallia refused to believe she's driving with such a man. She need to see evidence before she believe that.

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