Chapter 12

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The staff look at Kallia eating like there's no tomorrow. When Sirius enter they take a giant step back.

"Finally! Want a chicken leg?"

Sirius sit across from her and get a napkin. He grab her chin, pulling her face towards him and wipe her face.

"You're covered in sauce."

"This chef is the best."

"Clearly." She smile sheepishly and offer him a leg.

He take it and just watch her eat.

"Sirius!" A woman came bouncing in and throw her arms around Sirius. Sirius rip her arms off him and push her aside.

"Don't pass your place Irene."


"It's alpha. I won't tell you again."

Kallia look between the two of them and wonder what their relationship is. It seems like there some love and hate between them.

The hate obviously is on Sirius side.

"Honey we're leaving."

Kallia was caught off guard by the endearment but stand anyway. She clean her hands and mouth and grab her potato salad.

"Still hungry?" He look at the potato salad.

"No. This is for you. You haven't eaten."

"You're cute."

"Leaving already Sirius?"

Sirius stop and sigh. "Mom."

Kallia was wishing she was anywhere but at the castle.

Sirius turn around and give her mom a hug. "I can't you believe you would leave without seeing me."

"I always visit mom."

"Who is this?"

"This is Kallia. Kallia meet my mother Alicia."

"Nice to meet you."

"She's adorable. You should bring her around more often."

"I will."


Kallia could finally breath as they got outside. Being around werewolves got her heart racing.

Sirius open the door and Kallia get in. She set the plate on the seat and get comfortable.

"The mall." He then turn to Kallia and said, "You look tired."

"I am tired. When are we going back to the office?"

"Soon. Next week soon."

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