Chapter 28

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"So where within a fifty mile radius have a think forest and some kind of building?"

"Several,"Aurelio answered. "Most have been abandoned."

"She's at one of them. Have guards scout them out and report if anyone come and go."

"Got it. When we do find her how are you going to deal with Benjamin?"

"The same way we deal with a rogue. He want to act like one so we will treat him like one. He should have take the chance I give him years ago."

"It's funny how things change. He went from a close friend to an enemy."

"He should have taken the chance. I don't know why he hate us so much. We did nothing. But I don't care how close we were. He will be punished. Now let's get to work getting Kallia back."


The door open and a woman came in. She has chains on her ankle and there were bruises on her wrist.

"Your Majesty."

"Just call me Kallia. Are you OK?"

Kallia get off the bed and take the tray from the girl. She lead her to the bed and sit her down.

"How come you're here?"

"I was sold to him."

Kallia hand her the sandwich off the tray and break it in half.


"Are sure?"

"Mhm." The girl take the piece of sandwich and eat like she hasn't eaten in a while. "What's your name?"


"How long have you been here?"

"A few years. He's crazy."

"Aren't they all. We're going to get out of here. King Sirius is someone you can could on."


"I have to go."

Caroline ran out of the room.

'Hurry! This man is buying people.'

"Hang in there love.'

She's hanging alright.

Time tick by as she waited. She walk around the room to pass the time. She has never been this bored in her life. Being a hostage is boring.

Sirius got the call when he was starting to lose his patience. Benjamin was spotted and they were certain the queen was at the abandon house they saw Benjamin entered.

Sirius was ready to shed blood.

He shift and disappeared into the night with many wolves behind him. He was black as midnight so he fit right in with his surroundings.

They move swiftly and silently to their destination. Sirius was determined to take down Benjamin once and for all.

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