Chapter 11

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"Am I going to meet more werewolves?"

"You're going to meet more than some werewolves."

"Tell me who this Luna is. Don't keep me in the dark."

"My mate. That one person I'm destined to be with forever."

"Is she pretty?"

"The most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on." He smile at her and she frown.

"Then why am I with you instead of her?"

"You and her are the same." Kallia frown but didn't say anything more.

Sirius drove through the high black iron gates. A shiver went down Kallia's spine as she take in the castle like structure. It was ancient from the looks of it.

Just looking at give her a bad feeling. The feeling of doom.

The car came to a stop and Sirius get out. He help her out as guards came out of nowhere.

"Sirius?" Kallia hang onto him as she watch both man and beast surround them.

"Back to your post."

"Pardon us my king." They disappeared back into the trees surrounding the castle.

Sirius lead her up the steps and inside.

"Welcome home my king."


Kallia has so much to learn.

The men look at Kallia and back at their king. They never see their king that close to a woman muchless a human before. He stay as far away as possible.

"Where are they?"

"They are already in the throne room."

"Look after her. If there's a single scratch on her I will have your head."

"Yes Your Majesty!" The men were trembling with pure fear. Their king always carry through with his promises and that was a promise.

"This way My Lady."

"You'll be OK."

Sirius disappeared down the hallway and Kallia walk away with with the guards.

"What would you like My Lady?"


"The chef is already preparing lunch."


Sirius enter the throne room and take his seat.

"Let's begin. As you all know we have a problem in our hands."

"You mean the girl who you keep in your condo who is a magnet for trouble? She's a human my king."

"I'm aware of that. But she's a very special human."

"What is she to you my king? If you don't mind me asking."

"She's your future Queen."

"She is a human!"

"Do you want to lose your tongue Micheal?"

"My apologies Your Majesty."

"She was made for me and she was made to rule."

"Then we will treat her as a equal. Now with the matter at hand. The vampires want her. Every damn creatures want her."

"I don't know why. But I'm planning on getting to the bottom of it. In the meantime I'll do my research."

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