Chapter 10

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Kallia hate being housebound but the new revelation was keeping her a prisoner in Sirius house.

Her work is basically there since she can't go to the office.

She sigh and get up off the couch. She walk to the kitchen because he did say she should make herself at home. Making herself at home she will.

"Who are you?" Kallia pull her head out of the fridge to look at the new visitor. "A human!"

Kallia raise a eyebrow.

"A stinky dog. Chill out. This isn't your place anyway."

"You bitch!"

"Anna you're passing your place."

"Alpha!" Kallia wave at Sirius before taking the watermelon from the fridge.

"Want piece Sirius?"

Anna gaped at Kallia who was calling the alpha by his name.

"You need something stronger than that."

"This is OK for now. Who is she?"

"No one." Anna gasp.

"No one?! Alpha!"

"Sirius this woman is giving me a headache."

"What do you want Anna?"

"The council is at the pack. They want to talk to you?"

"You can go now." Anna glare at Kallia who give her a small wave as she leave.

"She hates me."

"How can she not? You're doing everything everyone want to do."

"Like what?"

"Calling me by my first name and eating my food." She grin at him sheepishly.

"I'm hungry."

"So am I."

"Are we talking about the something here?"

"No. No we're not. Come we're going out."

"Where are we going?"

"You need clothes if you're going to live with me."

"Who say I'm going to live with you?"

He grip the back of her neck with a smirk. "You're stuck with me mate. Whether you like it or not."

"Asshole." She push him away and walk away with her melon.

Sirius shake his head with a sigh. He was living in a dream. This happiness won't last and he know that. The smile won't always be on her face. People want her already and no one know she's mated to the strongest and oldest lycan to ever live. She was in danger and doesn't even know it.

"Are you coming or not?"

He walk to the front door where she was already waiting.

Kallia open the door and jump back as a man fell through.

"What the hell?!"

Sirius rush to the man. "What happened to you?"

"They...want the...Luna."


"The vampires."


The man lost consciousness and Sirius call for the doctor through mindlink.

"Who is this Luna they want? What's so special about her?"

"I want to know that too. Let's go. Someone will be here for him. I have business to take care of."

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