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|| like the refreshing waft... ||

°♡•.                                                                              .•♡°

      As it seems, the girl that name's y/n and the stranger from the river bridge who apparently his name is manjiro, met again.


And again and again, until they decided to meet at the weekends if they're not bussy.

The young woman can't stop thinking that he looks like a little plant needs to be taken care of.

Yeah, she skips breakfast, but at least she don't look like him! His small frame don't suit a man his age.

"Do you ever eat anything else beside that?" You pointed at the dorayaki in his hands.

He blinked twice, looking up as if remembering something, making you sweat drop.

"Yes" he answered with a shrug.

Your hand pushed inside his paper bag and stole a dorayaki, "you lie", you bite on the round cake, "Mmm!! Strawberry jam!"

Mikey just hummes, admiring the happy face you put and straightly answering with a "Yes" and making you shake your head in disappointment "you need to eat!"

He grumbled and looked the opposite side from you "But i don't want to"

But you just ignored the man and started dragging him down from the bridge, "we can go to a near store or a cafe"

Mikey sighed, but didn't argue, He started  curling his fingers around your palm so that you're  holding hands.

Instead of scowling for being pulled around, he let you be and focused on your hands, feeling the foreign softness and warm sense in his.

He isn't used on this, besides his sister who he just hold her hand maybe when he was still in the elementary?

'It's soft, and warm...' And he couldn't hold his urge back, squeeze it gently making you stop and look at him confused.

He looked back at you with his pitch-black pupils for few seconds, trying to come up with an excuse for his act.

"Which way is that store?"

Pointing to the right you said "this way"

He nod before dragging you with him, leading you both to the pavement towards a black shining motorcycle.

You watched silently as he let your hand and walked to the bike to hop on it, "let's go"

You don't know what brand is this but you know for sure it can cost one of your kidneys if not both.

Blinking several times you were in awe to respon, like always, your hands moved on their own to grab the camera that never leave your side.

Click, "perfect!"

Mikey just looked at you, he know about your poor resistance when it comes to picturing what you find it beauteous and so.

And also he was kinda used to you taking sudden pictures for him, at this rate he believe that he should get paid for that...

Skipping towards the waiting man you, jumping on the bike, your hands finds it's way around his weist.

Even if it's a little bit uncomfortable and making you embarrassed hugging a male like that, it was the safest position to avoid being thrown when the bike move.

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