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Siddharth and Avneet both were sleeping cuddling with each other. Siddharth was feeling heavenly good. The last time when he got her touch was their marriage night.

Yes, when he saw Avneet in that position with that unknown guy, he broke, and he had many questions. But when he came close to Avneet, now magically there was no anger and no question. He forgot everything. He just wanted Avneet and him and nothing in between. Siddharth was again being dependent on Avneet. He really trusted him blindly. Moreover he never questioned or spoke over Avneet. For him she was everything, she was the world. He just wanted to be her baby, not so complicated, just she and her baby boy.

Suddenly Avneet's phone ranged and both of their sleep broke.

Avneet was still sleepy. She extended her hand to the bed table to look for her phone. She then grabbed the phone and said.

Avu- Hello.... (sleepy voice)

Siddharth's sleep also broke. He sat down and hugged Avneet from back. Avneet kept her hand on his cheeks and gestured him to wait.

Avu- Hello.

Siddharth was still on her shoulder and he heard the voice of the person who was opposite on the call.

Sm1- Sleepy huh ba....

And before completing the sentence Avneet got down from the bed with a jerk, she was then about to leave the room but then she realized she was not wearing anything, so she went to washroom.

Siddharth was stunned. She tried to call Avneet but his voice chocked and his eyes filled with tears. She just sat quietly on the bed.

After sometime Avneet came out of the washroom. She looked at Siddharth and his face was dry and his cheeks were stained with tears.

Avneet came and wrapped him in her arms but he pushed her.

Sid- Don't touch me. (Mumbled)

Avu- Why baby? 5 mins ago also you didn't wanna leave me. Now what happened?

Sid- Who was that on the call?

Avu- (Nervous) Why? Have you heard..... Umm....

Sid- Why are you mumbling?

Avu- (laughed) No no... actually my cutie pie is asking me so angrily so I got scared.... (pressed his cheeks)


Avu- A employee.

Sid- Oh so he calls you baby? Nice.

Avu- Baby? (Asked Nervously)

Her Baby Boy 2Where stories live. Discover now