26. Chat with Jamie

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Hopes POV 🥀

"I'm talking to you as a brother, not as your nurse." I told James, fiddling with my bracelet.

"Okay." He said, his hospital band still round his wrist, still wearing a blue gown, his hair unwashed and greasy.

"Youve probably heard of our 'famous' patient.." I began, and he nodded. "MJ."

"Yea..." I replied. "Well, I like him."

"What?" A grin spread across Jamie's face. "You've met him? And you LIKE him?"

"Yeah, we've been quite close, I'm his main nurse."

"I wish you were MY main nurse."

"Don't worry, Bailey is lovely and will look after you." I promised. "She likes animals, just mention them and she will chat for hours."

He laughed. "How is our MJ anyway?"

"He's doing good. Not allowed to tell you too much, patient confidentiality and whatnot." I shrugged.

"So you want to ... kiss him?" Smirked James.

"Jamie, promise you won't repeat this - okay? I'll get in trouble. I shouldn't be fraternising with patients."

"Well you're not fraternising with PATIENTS you're fraternising with one patient." James replied. He grinned. "Unless you've got several of these men on the go?"

I snorted "Oh shut up!"

"Has Walter spanked your bottom with his walking stick yet?"

I whacked him with a pillow, unfortunately just as Sofia opened the door. She rolled her eyes at me, "Hope, I understand James is your brother, but you should still have a strictly professional relationship while at work, okay?"

"Yeah I was just making his bed." I smiled at her sweetly.

She rolled her eyes, grinned and shut the door and went to check on Harvey and Louis, two other patients.

I ruffled Jamie's hair and left to go back to the nurses office, where Sofia and McKenzie were chatting. A few nurses from Dandelion ward, the adolescent female ward - were in the corner signing time sheets and chuckling at something.

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