Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

"Hey." Marcus breathed down my neck causing me to jump out of my chair.

I used my left hand to wipe the back of my neck to get all the tingles off my skin. "Why did you do that for? I could have hurt myself." I looked at the hot cup of tea on my desk that I just had in my hands moments earlier.

"You have been staring at that cup of tea for the past hour. It is cold now." He leaned himself on my desk his shirt cuff rolled up to his arms.

I raised my newly plucked eyebrows at him. "How would you know that?"

"I have been watching you all this time." His eyes looked heavily at me.

I felt something clench in my stomach from his observation. "You pervert." I took a step towards him kicking his foot so that he would move from my desk. "You are not meant to stare at people for an hour." My pulse was erratic I don't know why I never sensed him looking at me for such at long time.

I sat back down in my chair taking a sip of my drink. I almost spat it out as it was stone cold but I purposely drank it to prove a point to him.

I smiled over at him sticking out my tongue showing him my mouth was empty.

Marcus leaned down his arms enclosing me in the chair my nose flared as I got a whiff of his cologne.

"It's good to know that you can swallow." His blue eyes glinted at me making sure that I understood his double meaning. "Nothing more attractive than a woman swallowing all that I have to give."

He reached up to undo the bun at the top of my head allowing my brown hair to fall down my back. He picked up a strand to bring it to his face.

"You still use apricot shampoo."

My breath hitched. How did he know that?

He released my hair standing up to walk back to his office behind me. "Next time pay attention." His words were firm as if he was back in control. "Day dream on your own time not on works." He turned the crisp white shirt tight across his muscular back.

I shook my head when he disappeared from my view. The twins were just strange. However Marcus was right I cannot be distracted at work. I looked at the letter that was beside my cup of tea to hide it in my draws. Making sure that all three letters were at the bottom out of my view and out of my mind.

I made sure that my work was on target for the rest of the afternoon so by the time I set out to have lunch with the other secretaries the twins would not have anything to complain about.

The canteen was located on the ground floor. It housed a medium sized restaurant that serves the best food. Outside visitors are allowed in as long as they have a reservation.

I waved over to the three women that were sitting by the window on a square four seated table.. There was a chair empty for me. I could see that they already ordered, thank god they remember my favourite.

As I got closer I noticed that they ordered me Chicken salad. I always try to eat healthy at work. But stuff face with calories once I get home. Skinny Tash in public Fat Tash at home.

I pulled out a chair sitting down next to Tiff who works on the floor below me as the secretary for the head of finance.

"How are you ladies." I greeted them adding a bit of salt and pepper to my salad hoping for it to taste a whole lot better, preferable like double whip cream on a bed of chocolate. "Mmm..." I moaned after eating a forkspoon of salad. Just imagine chocolate.

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