Chapter 45

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(This is the last chapter. Even to the silent readers please give a vote if you enjoyed the story and comment as well. I would like feedback on what you think of the book.)

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"Are the father!" Nicole screamed in Max face pointing her finger.

"You are not the father." Maury said looking at her.

The crowd went wild. I was shocked. I thought he was the dad.

Nicole turned around in shock ripping the paper from Maury hand her eyes scanning the content then running off the stage into the back.

"Hoe!" Louise shouted at her retreating back. "I thought you said you was a virgin."

Andrea got up her mouth opened wide in an 'O' shape. "I knew it!" She ran up into the audience high five a couple of people. "That baby looked nothing like my son."

The crowd cheered patting her on the back as she ran back down the stairs to the stage.

"Sit down mum." Marcus hissed his eyes focusing on the screen.

The camera followed her to see nicole as she flung herself on the floor wailing. "That is not right. He is the father." Her feet kicking at the concrete floor.

Max came up behind her I could see his eyes looked wet. He was upset. "You told me they were mine." Max said quietly, the camera zoomed in on his face. He grabbed Nicole by the shoulders. "I was there at birth. I cut the cord. I held them, fed them." He pushed her away from him punching the wall. "I loved them!"

Nicole cried tears rolling down her face. She clutched at the labels on his jacket. "The tests are wrong. I want a private one you was right. They rigged the test just for their ratings."

Max pushed Nicole away from him. "You almost destroyed my relationship with my wife because I stood by you."

The camera went back to my face for a moment. I pulled a silly face to show them that I was not bothered and wasn't acting up like a fool on national television for them. It then went back to Nicole and Max.

"Max. There was no one else." Nicole began to follow Max down the corridor. Max began taking off his mike that was clipped onto his clothes dropping it on the floor. "Why would I come here if I knew you weren't the dad to make a fool of myself?"

"Where is the way out?" Max asked the producer who pointed down the corridor. "I want to get the fuck out of here. This is all bull shit."

"Max wait." Nicole took off her heels to run after him. "I love you. I didn't sleep with anyone else."

Max whirled on her. "So it was a miraculous conception. Did an angel visit you in the night?"

She tugged at his arm. "The test is false. Melissa promised me."

Max looked angry at the camera covering it with his hand pushing it away from him. "Get the damn camera out of my face." He stormed off down the corridor. "I can't believe this shit."

Maury came on the screen. "The test is done in a controlled centre. There is zero probablity of a match. There is no relation to Max."

Nicole cried. "She sold me some bad shit." She ran off into the bathroom locking the door. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of her loud wailing.

I got up holding my belly, right now I need to support Max. Louise, Paul and Marcus trailed along with me to find Max being held in his mother arms outside of the building. His shoulder were shaking.

Claimed by Twins. (Book 1 Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon