Chapter 44

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I felt strange sitting in the clinic with Hanna. People are coming here for abortion and here I am sitting here with my big belly out for them to be all looking at me upset.

Like I came here on purpose to guilt trip them into keeping their baby. A couple of women walked out after staring at my bump.

Just because I didn't get rid of mine they were thinking that I was here judging them. I leaned across the table picking up a magazine. It was giving me something to read as I pass the time whilst waiting for Hanna name to be called in to speak with the nurse.

My phone vibrated in my pocket I fished it out seeing that I received multiple messages. I swiped the first one which was from Max. It was of a smiley face and a broken heart.

I text him back replying that I missed him too. They think that I was out shopping for baby stuff with Hanna.

Marcus text me saying that work is not the same as Suzy is not the same to look upon when he is bored.

My heart melted. I didn't realise he would stare at me. He was so sneaky. I looked through my phone for old images of myself before I was pregnant. I sent him one of me in a bra.

Hopefully that should be enough for him to look upon at work.

My other messages were from Chardonnay she wanted to go baby shopping. She needed to get a few things as well. I keep telling her she needs to tell Cole about the baby but she swore me to keep it a secret as she doesn't want to tie him down. Such a proud woman.

I read the other message from Louise saying that she moved back in with her parents. Since she got fired from Sinclair Inc. She had to give up her apartment. I felt sorry for her but I know it's for the best. I told the twins to make sure they give her a good reference. Marcus barely looked at me when I said that. He hates betrayal whilst Max kissed me on the cheek telling me that he would call Mr Woodwicky to make sure that he passes on Louise credentials.

"Hanna Adams?" The nurse called from the door which leads to the private rooms.

Hanna gulped standing up. "I'm here." She waved at the nurse to get her attention. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah." I lifted up my hand. "Help me up then." She pulled on my hand to help me up. I wobbled across the room walking slower that her.

Damn I was fat before I never use to walk like this. Being pregnant takes it out of you. The nurse held the door open for me to go through.

We sat in a small hospital room that had a stretcher in the corner as well as other equipment. The nurse sat behind the desk typing away smiling at me every so often.

"Do you feel comfortable to talk with your guest present?" She asked Hanna.

Hanna nodded slowly stealing a sneaky glance at me. "Yeah she is my sister."

I held out my hand. "My name is Natasha." I shook the nurse hand then moved it to lay on top of my large belly.

"Stephanie." The nurse introduced herself. "You are booked in today for a termination. I see from the notes already that you have already spoken to a nurse and a counsellor that told you all the information about what will take place today."

Hanna nodded. "Yeah they were very nice."

The nurse wrote something down. "Is there anything that you would like to ask me before I take your vitals? You would be taking a tablet. This tablet helps bring about like a heavy period. You will feel cramps and some pain."

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